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Everything posted by macca

  1. the good bitch that MP owns is out of Brookies bitch and the rest of the litter is running very well aswell,ive got a dog pup 6 monthes old out of the repeat mating,beautifull pup
  2. Please let us know how she gets on Mick. atb,Ben Ive got a bitch out of this litter aswell , shes very fast for her age , knocked her first rabbitt up and was unlucky not to kill it the other day , Khans in good hands with Macca , hes a top, lad . the dog i kept back is a cracker,standing about 24/25 and very strong,
  3. decent bred pups best of luck with them,Patch was a decent bitch in her day
  4. 2 castrated billy goats wanted
  5. 2 castrated billy goats ,close to warwickshire preferred
  6. my mates got a 13 month half brother from another litter aswell that hasnt done anything yet aswell,we could have a puppy day if you want.
  7. lol he walked straight into that one
  8. famous distance runner
  9. my mates bitch is called Zola
  10. :thumbs:ive only got a young pup to run this year ,the half brother to your white dog,ill come and have a run out with you if you want
  11. macca

    fight night

    so round 5 or 6 gets me all 3 bets,but if Tyson wins fair play
  12. macca

    fight night

    ive bet delboy to knock out tyson in round 5 or 6, also to win by tko or ko and by decision 3 separate bets
  13. not as easy as some think ,if it was we would all be doing it.land is cheap £5000 an acre but if you get permission to put a mobile on it then its worth £150000-£200000 around by me easily
  14. whats a month or two old age catching up on me ,the mind isnt as sharp as it used to be lol,ive got the litter brother to Penny Stevie
  15. R D never owned the Mouse bitch he just set up a couple of matches for her Scott from Telford owned her from 10 month old
  16. cause A. i bred your saluki and B. i own Stevie
  17. yeah the white dog was a beauty and your black dog is out of Stevie (lucky x mouse from telford) x a wheaton greyhound bitch bred for lamping but i know they turned out hare killers and your dog and hes sister are running well.
  18. wise words gnasher, ive known Frankie since he was a kid ,he your right if he doesnt get hes head together he will blow it,plenty of rumours about him flying around and unfortunately most are true,shame really but i think he will knuckle down and come out smiling
  19. murry to beat mitchell late stoppage,,,burns to beat cook again late stoppage,,,gavin on points,,,
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