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Dan Edwards

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Everything posted by Dan Edwards

  1. The kind that dont catch and kill coyotes generally pisses me off.
  2. Just cuz I didnt wash my junk after I busted a nut in you dont mean I have bad hygiene. All it means is I had more beer to drink before I did it again.

  3. Just dump some 7% iodine on it and act like nothin happened Time heals everything.
  4. I love you. You... you complete me. And I just...

    Shut up, just shut up. You had me at "hello".

  5. Great line Hannah.

  6. I bet them fallow are fun too. I am not goin off what I know just what I have heard from a few that have done both. I trust you though duckwing also. You seem to know your shit.
  7. Dan what size are those staghounds?Just wondering is there much variation in size.....do some people look for a smaller build dog for cotton-tails and maybe a bigger dog for yotes and white-tail deer??Or does the general size suffice for all the game you run?......yis John Them two dogs there are between 28 and 29 inches. My John dog is the same and so are my two females. I suppose 28 to 30 inches and weighing between 75 and 95 pounds and I call that a coyote dog. Bitches of course being the shorter lighter ones and males being the larger of em. There are guys running dogs of all sh
  8. He's pretty much done growin partner. Just gonna fill out and be wide and powerful for his size I'd say.
  9. the greyhound dam giving your dog more muscle mass and bulk I cant understand why more people do not realize this right here. Nice lookin pup ya got there partner. He looks like a mini version of what I run. I'd keep him and use him.
  10. Ya, that works too. I dont give em the shell cuz I think that they need it really, I just walk around with a carton in my hand tossin one down in the pan and it usually cracks a bit. They just grab the egg, shell and goo and go to eatin and lickin their pan. Never a shell left but the shell aint got much to it thats for sure.
  11. Just take an egg and toss it in their pan, shell and all. Some say not to cuz it inhibits some digestions of biotine or something like that but it aint gonna hurt em. Once a week would be good enough or two to three times. Just experiment and see how it works for you. You wont kill em thats for sure.
  12. Miss H is cool like the other side of the pillow.

  13. Can I slip my weinder dog on them 4 in your avatar?
  14. I went out with them same naughty guys. I thought they had really really great dogs until I started watchin them try to do them white tail. It was then I realized just how poor the dogs really were for the job. Only took me about 2 nights to know that them naughty guys better make up their minds, either keep what they have and just have fun, or change gears and get better dogs. They decided to keep what they have and just realize they aint gonna catch many.
  15. Did you do dirty things with that turkey after she caught it?
  16. That makes way too much sense to be on here.
  17. How much law would I have to give that fat fire crotch on the right in your avatar?
  18. Hunting is not a sport, its hunting. actually in england at least 50 years ago the term sport was mainly used for fieldsports etc, what we now consider sports like footy, cricket, etc were refered to as games........... well so im led to beleive, not old enough Fair enough.
  19. In less than 10 years time between a very small group there will a line of coyote dogs for our kids and our grandkids to enjoy. Lets just hope they dont act up and go to adding greyhound to em.
  20. Its plenty expensive bro. There was alot of money wrapped up in this breeding. I think diesel is about $3.25 at the moment but to be quite honest, I dont know. I dont ever look. Not that I'm loaded cuz I aint. I just dont care what it costs. If I gotta get somewhere I go. There was probably 110 plus gallons of fuel involved. Our diesel works out at about $7.13 a gallon in US money going on the prices at our local stations, so 110 X $7.13 = $784.30! Bet your glad you don't live here! Ya, thats quite a bit of money. I like living in American but I'm sure eac
  21. Good luck with the litter Dan Are you sure stitch is not stopping your crippled ass falling over .......John True dat! I could have used him about 6 hours later when I was stumblin thats for damn sure.
  22. Hunting is not a sport, its hunting.
  23. Ya, I'll put it in with your next bag of goodies. :kiss:
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