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Dan Edwards

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Everything posted by Dan Edwards

  1. I bet we see some man on man before this thread is over. :wankerzo4:
  2. sugar puffs , mmmmmmmmmm beer and sugar puffs...........breakfast of champions
  3. I heard they love the peanut butter.
  4. Looks like he should be able to run.
  5. Ya, lots of times. It aint nuttin new.
  6. That Willow bitch looks like she could run a hole in the wind.
  7. Save yourself alot of time and money and go buy a litter of coyote dog pups for $1,000 and pick the best few from it. You will not be disappointed.
  8. If thats the case you might wanna go over to the coursing dog thread and take a look at them dogs when they mixed with proper lamping dogs. Dont know for sure but I might be onto something.
  9. I dont know, thats why I asked about them. The two post above dread's were very well thought out and them are the kinda posts we should be seeing on this site. Not all this trash talk I often see.
  10. karlsberg, them are some fine lookin dogs you got there. I am very impressed.
  11. Mods ban this man hes an anti from the dwight chapter of the american league against cruel sports Yes but the ladies love me and the girls adore me.
  12. Why would the pictures be yanked? There is nothin illegal in them. I put up "action" shots all the time........I used to anyhow. Lately all I do is sit on the couch and feed my fat ass. Hunting is for losers.
  13. Mods, please lock or delete this topic cuz it's obvious some dont wanna take it serious.
  14. Oh I see. You get to screen all your comments. That shit is so gay. It's even gayer than you.

  15. That male dog is actually put together alright from what I can tell. The coat is overdone but he looks like he's built but hard to tell.
  16. Is'nt it typical, somebody miles away knows more about our dogs than we do.. Did I say that I did? I aint got a clue about your dogs and never said I did. I dont believe a f****n word you are sayin but that aint got shit to do with your dogs. I dont think you are lyin, I just dont think you know sheep shit from apple sauce. Now now, calm down.. That's your perogative Dan and take a chill pill, after all, points of view are like arseholes.. Everyone has one.. My taste buds are just fine thanks.. My opinion is that if a pure saluki was the dog for the job then t
  17. Is'nt it typical, somebody miles away knows more about our dogs than we do.. Did I say that I did? I aint got a clue about your dogs and never said I did. I dont believe a f****n word you are sayin but that aint got shit to do with your dogs. I dont think you are lyin, I just dont think you know sheep shit from apple sauce.
  18. I've seen it with my own eyes at Saluki coursing meets before the ban... So I honestly f****n believe that I'm glad somebody has seen it.
  19. I dont know, thats why I asked of course.
  20. It's no difference to Kennel Club registerd Saluki's.. They can still do the job.. Do you honestly f****n believe that?
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