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Dan Edwards

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Everything posted by Dan Edwards

  1. My point exactly. If there were such a thing I'm quite sure I would have seen one by now. Facts are fox are a joke compared to real deer. I'd hardly call them little rabbits yall call Roe a dog gone deer.
  2. Or how bout one. And his daughter did it several times last year by herself too.
  3. Will two do it for ya? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbi5DnBxfeI
  4. I want as many pups as I can get out of her to be honest, Kye. I will breed her several times over the next 6 or 7 years. I hope to at least cuz she is mighty special.
  5. Talkin bout how fox are harder to take than deer is just silly talk. I have yet to be shown a deer dog and I have seen dogs that will kill fox like they are kitty kats.
  6. Yes it is. Flirt is layed up right now pretty bad. Give me a call and I'll let yall know what happened. The dark blue one is JohnxBlue. He is big and powerful. Not a great dog but he hurts a coyote bad. The black dog is a field trial grey that wouldnt race hard so I got him. He is slow as can be. The half cross can run with him ffs.
  7. brockdog, that is a fine lookin dog ya had there. I like that type.
  8. We caugh this one early yesterday morning. We couldnt find another one after that but oh well. These three dogs are monsters at the catch.
  9. Yes I will send them on a coyote by themselves. I edited this to say that the reason I and many others dont send dogs alone on coyotes often is cuz truthfully most of em just couldnt do it. I have a gyp on my yard right now that I have 100% faith in but the rest of the dogs no way in hell.
  10. Another. My Junior dog tripped this coyote up and that hound throated it right behind him. It was pretty awesome actually cuz you dont see a hound do that very often.
  11. Here go some more pictures for yall.
  12. with the hounds or the Stags Dan Three with hounds..........one with the big dogs over my lunch hour.
  13. We caught 4 more coyotes today. Dogs are lookin real good.
  14. Roadkill coon also that I forgot about and a bunny wabbit.
  15. OK then I'll give you my view. If you are breeding to anything other than a dog that is doing exactly what you are wanting to do with the pups then you are goin backwards.
  16. Here go one we caught with the hounds.
  17. We finally got started last week. We caught 5 all total. Take care.
  18. I run them a whole lot all summer long. Road them, let them hunt up at night and just keep them movin any time I aint drunk and disorderly..........and even sometimes when I am.
  19. Great pictures as usual. I really like how you raise your dogs.
  20. Here is the other half partner. 21 month old and 10 month old.
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