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Dan Edwards

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Everything posted by Dan Edwards

  1. Here is a picture of his littermate as a fat pup.
  2. Dan Just do it. Dont worry bout what anybody else says. Just friggin do it and have fun. I'd take your best terrier gyp you can find and put her to a serious coyote dog. Dont go breeding to a dog gone track grey whatever you do.
  3. Here go a picture of the Junebug a few weeks back. Coyote was flushed out by hounds.
  4. I guess what I was sayin up above was go big or dont go at all. As far as greyhounds go I wouldnt piss on a track grey if it were on fire. They are useless for breeding options unless you are gonna race them on the track.
  5. Dan We bred my dog Stitch to Craver's Brin gyp. Stitch stood 28 inches tall and weighed in at about 95 pounds most days. Brin is about a 20 inch gyp or so. I have a young male dog out of them that I call Junior. He stands right at about 25 inches tall and prolly weighs about 60 pounds or so. Pay attention cuz here come some reality for all the fukkin dreamers out there. "HE IS NOT BIG ENOUGH NOR STRONG ENOUGH TO HOLD A COYOTE DOWN BY HIMSELF EVEN WHEN HE LATCHED ONTO THE THROAT." That is a fact and I have seen it several times now. Yes believe it or not that little 30 p
  6. The black dog is a field trial greyhound. He is about 1/4 coonhound or so. Not exactly the same but you get the point.
  7. And I cant see the point in breeding to a fukkin track greyhound either but folks do it all the damn time. These dogs he would be using to walk hunt shit and catch it quickly not spotlighting rabbits even though I'd bet ya they could do that too.
  8. I was gonna ad that I got me a half cross here that is got bulldog and airedale in him. He is a huntin sumbitch. First coyote he caught this year was cuz he run a track to it and then winded it and caught the sumbitch all by himself. He werent gonna get it kilt I dont think but it wasnt goin nowhere neither. Since then he as really been kililn em for fun. I also got me a bulldog/cur cross here that I may breed to my Ellie gyp in the future if he turns out to be rough enough and he wants the throat on everything he kills.
  9. Do it Dan. I think they'd be fun to jack ass around with also. My buddy has a little black terrier that I'd breed to one of my gyps if I had more of a use for the pups just for the fun of it. I like fukkin round with crazy shit like this.
  10. He cant do much anymore Bosun but mostly just sleep his life away. He's pretty f****d.
  11. Ya I heard he aint long for the world. Poor old cuni. Anybody know who gonna get his culls?
  12. I'll add some more shit here as well. I have seen coon dogs that were outstanding that wouldnt bark at a cage coon. I have seen coon dogs that wouldnt even think of ever chasing a cat or a possum. I have seen supposed coyotes hounds that you could never ever get broke off deer and then some that wouldnt run them if you poured them on top of a deer. Dogs are dogs man.
  13. This may not be related at all but the best coyote dog I ever seen really wouldnt give any effort to run anything else but them.
  14. Thats what I'd call a deer dog. I'd love to see it someday.
  15. Thats pretty much what I'm sayin. I have respect for a dog that can catch and kill roe just as I have respect for dogs that are rabbit dogs but I just dont think a roe dog is really a deer dog at all. I guess if you wanna get technical then yes roe are deer but they are for startin pups maybe. After thinkin bout it some more I guess I really dont care either way but I have yet to see what I would call a deer dog yet with my own eyes.
  16. Why would you think that a deer like that would be a plodder? I have no real world experience on them but I can just look at em and know there arent many kinda deer that could run like them. Fallow look somewhat fast too by the looks but nowhere near like the reds look. Reds sorta look athletic like white tail and white tail can f****n fly so I just figured Reds could too.
  17. No that video is from over yalls way. Deer just blow my mind and that is one of the coolest displays of power I have ever seen on video.
  18. Every time I read shit like this on here I cant help but think of this video. Ya I bet dogs are consistantly f****n with animals like this and living. My ass they are. Aint no way in hell.
  19. Around me we just have white tail and like I said I have never seen a "deer dog". I seen one dog that I would say would have been fast enough for some deer but he was a pusher. He acted like he wanted to play the part but it was obvious that he did not want it.
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