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Dan Edwards

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Everything posted by Dan Edwards

  1. Because its a fact that overtime it does. When you breed dogs you are gonna be constantly throwing back to the average of all the dogs in the pedigree. Overtime if you continue to keep breeding the best to the best the average of the pedigree keeps improving. Once in a blue moon you are gonna get that good dog. They aint in every litter. Its just no possible but if you keep at it you will eventually get that one. A good dog is where ya find it not the result of some magical one time breeding. You just gotta get lucky.
  2. Although I wouldnt personally breed to a track greyhound ever I totally agree with you.
  3. You dont need to add mastiff and all that sillly shit. I can show you 1000s of pictures of dogs that dont need any wild and crazy schemes to "fix" them and they are damn sure deerhoundy enough lookin. I would have thought the best way to breath life back into the dhx would probably be to get a handfull of stags imported from the US. Providing they come from the right place etc You are probably right but yall got the dogs over there to do it too. But one like this wouldnt hurt anybodys breeding program at all if you was lookin to catch big stuff. Only problem is he got too much of h
  4. This gyp here dont need nothin added to her. At 27 inches and 75 pounds she will do alright for a running dog. And they dont get much more deerhoundy lookin.
  5. You dont need to add mastiff and all that sillly shit. I can show you 1000s of pictures of dogs that dont need any wild and crazy schemes to "fix" them and they are damn sure deerhoundy enough lookin.
  6. I think they are prolly heavy in the deerhound and greyhound department. No matter what they are the good ones make it look easy and the bad ones are just that bad.
  7. I get what your saying there but a real deer dog is one that can handle a buck and them are so few and far between that it prolly aint worth dreamin about. I know I dont own any like that. Not on my deer anyhow.
  8. I dont know who Hock is at all and if you are talkin bout deerhounds from like the 80s or way back then we are not on the same page. Todays deerhounds are pure shit for what I do and so would be the sazukis. Give me a break bro. You cant be serious.
  9. Not sure what you are saying but if you added saluki or deerhound to my dogs the results would be pure shit. Neither of them breeds can even come close to comparing to the type we run on coyotes. Its not even up for debate.
  10. You can super glue the sumbitch too and then let him run his ass off.
  11. Bucks are much faster too. The good ones are well when they run that is.
  12. I got to thinkin and if I had to run them sazukis on my game of choice I dont think I'd have a f****n truck big enough to carry all of the dogs I'd need to catch and kill that damn critter. I'm being 100% honest here too. Each to their own. Exactly and thats why I'm not dumb enough to say that one of my dogs could catch rabbits or hares cuz they cant do it properly.
  13. The only breed of any dog that I think you would put a sazuki to if it was a good hare catcher would be a pure bulldog that was used for diggin the bad boys and was good at it. Other than that they are shit compared to yalls coursing dogs.
  14. I got to thinkin and if I had to run them sazukis on my game of choice I dont think I'd have a f****n truck big enough to carry all of the dogs I'd need to catch and kill that damn critter. I'm being 100% honest here too.
  15. Great! I'm a little in awe of your dog training skills. It's no mean feat, breaking a dog to does and youngsters. Its not about training really. Its about pickin your slips/dumps and never if at all possible let them on a doe. Its the same as I wont dump my dogs on a fox here if the hounds get one up and running. If I see its a fox I will speed up and get the f**k away from that area and let the fox hopefully slip the hounds and or hole up quickly.
  16. Not quite the same as a buck worlds apart Too true. They are so different its hard to believe they are the same species.
  17. So what do said such sazukis do when the big ole buck says, "f**k you, I dont want to be caught!" You tryin to tell me they hang on like a damn bulldog cuz I aint buying that shit no way no how.
  18. I guess I'd have to see it. I dont think they have the balls to be quite honest.
  19. Just rinse it out and put some 7% iodine on it and call it a day. Dog will be back running in a week.
  20. your little mate is as bad as a rutting buck when he sees a fat bird dressed in pink... Poor poor pinky. She's been ruined by a midget.
  21. Nope...I had a bad time of it...but i went and I did it but I got my arse spanked when the dog i had (R.I.P) jacked. But...you know, at least I'm honest about the dog being not good enough and, best of all, at least i went out and ran my dog on the two largest species in the daytime on the open ground. I tried. i failed. that's about the truth of the matter. No big secret, i've wrote about it before. It was the adventure...that what it;'s all about....the adventure is everything......but, that's only one man's opinion.... Gotta try in order to fail. More than most will ever do.
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