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Saluki x Whippet

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About Saluki x Whippet

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  • Location
    Dublin, Ireland

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  1. Hi lads , I’ve a 15 week old saluki whippet , can anyone recommend a good kibble 16-18% protein , I’ve had her on 33% protein but want to lower it now , any info would be appreciated
  2. Thanks for the advice lads , dogs 3 months now and she’s starting to recall 6/10 times major improvements
  3. I don’t have terriers or ferrets to send the rabbit out of the burrow in the day
  4. Hi lads , Been fishing years , known plenty of lads who hunt always interested in it , got a dog two weeks a back a saluki whippet , fathers of bog warrior coursing bitch in uk , mother full whippet . Hoping to use my dog for hunting when it gets to 10 month mark , lamping rabbits mainly . Just looking for tips on training. Never owned a dog so hard to train , still very intelligent though . Anyways , any advice you can give on teaching her to lamp , and what stuff I should invest in would be appreciated So many different lads saying work them off lead on lead you need this collar and tha
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