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Everything posted by RossM

  1. Well done, them myxi bunnies are all part and parcel to putting him where he is now
  2. Coz she's a lazy wee shite!!! Joking aside she will jump some fences if she can't find a way through....... I think 5 bar gates are pushing it though!!!
  3. Warm salt water will be fine, keep it clean.
  4. Nowt special, thought I'd have a wee walk round a bit of my permission, have left it well alone lamping wise for a few years now.
  5. You don't even live on this soil so why should 'we' listen to you?
  6. And a fud like his predecessor......
  7. Does this result mean Andy Murray is still a miserable c**t? Does it also mean when he wins f**k all he's scottish but when he wins titles he's British?
  8. Cheeky wee venison steak for tea.....

    1. RossM


      Washed down with a bottle of beer....

    2. walshie


      Makes my stir-fry and can of coke sound like a pile of crap. lol

    3. dbm


      Lucky you lol beats my salad

  9. Nice to see your still a fud........
  10. Just saw on Facebook some boy filmed changing votes and this retard takes 2 out the yes pile and puts it in the no pile........ "ITS A CONSPIRACY"
  11. I'm fae the capital and anyone who's met me kens I'm classy as f**k.......
  12. Not that they should be here in the first place, but Agree and also a f***ing name change to something easy to pronounce Nae silent Z's or that.......
  13. Thing is, they probably do 'but' they choose not to due to their arrogance.
  14. I went to visit BPR's wife and newborn in hospital and she was in the maternity ward with a Muslim and they were asking about getting issued passports etc and then were going on about taking blood from the umbilical cord and how it was to do with their beliefs (never heard of it)
  15. f****n hell..... All this from a solar panel in a cut field........
  16. RossM


    cheers Ross the dogs in the wrong position for for me http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GREYHOUND-RUNNING-DOG-DECAL-STICKER-CAR-VAN-VINYL-/290499852242?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Kitchen_Steamers_Cookers_PP&var=&hash=item43a323f7d2 that's more like it lad perfect the two of you's cheers now I need a rabbit running lol Take the hare from the first link?
  17. RossM


    cheers Ross the dogs in the wrong position for for me http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GREYHOUND-RUNNING-DOG-DECAL-STICKER-CAR-VAN-VINYL-/290499852242?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Kitchen_Steamers_Cookers_PP&var=&hash=item43a323f7d2
  18. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Adjustable-Torch-Gun-Mount-for-Hunting-Strong-Velcro-Straps-UK-Stock-/121416204593?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET&hash=item1c44f84131
  19. RossM


    I've got this on my toolbox http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WHIPPET-GREYHOUND-RABBIT-COURSING-CAR-STICKER-GRAPHIC-x1-ANY-COLOUR-/171103330871?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item27d68da237
  20. All day at a wedding today........ Looooooooong day ahead.

    1. walshie


      Don't catch the bouquet.

    2. RossM


      Wedgey and walshie I can't commit to any of those....

    3. The one

      The one

      U will be a wonderfull bride mate LOL


    4. Show next comments  276 more
  21. Nice one Johnny boy! Well done to your princess.
  22. RossM

    Rspca Visit

    that's one hell of a vet, if you went to the docs with a bruise on your leg they couldn't tell how you did it. They are just hoping to bullshit you into responding. If they bother you again inform them that you have removed their implied right of access, consulted your solicitor and to permanently jog on. I had an old boy turn up at my door a few ago, he'd had his cat at the vet as it had been attacked and his reason..... The vet said the only thing capable of catching cats was greyhounds........ I said "change your vet pal as he's talking shite, and anyway their not f***ing greyhounds"
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