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Everything posted by RossM

  1. If you get a fuse box and connector with wiring attached from scrappies could just solder wires ibdivually mate
  2. If it was on fire I think the term your looking for is "proper fcucked"
  3. Give credit where credits due, a very disciplined controlled fight from fury, simply outboxed chisora, never looked to be in bother and if it had carried on think he would have K.O'd him. It's his cocky arrogance OUTSIDE of the ring that makes him so un likeable, be interesting to see what happens now, as far as boxing goes well done fury...... Still comes across as a pap though.
  4. It would be a f***ing big catty if it's the whole tree.........
  5. That would just make you a dick without a gun Tut tut name calling........ People have had warning points for less, I had typed out a reply but had to delete it for fear of my THL account........
  6. Just been to visit my new niece...... Honestly feel like you need 3 hands to handle babies carefully lol

  7. What if you throw a torch at them during daylight hours?
  8. That just makes you a dick Reported for name calling..........
  9. What if you have a torch on during the day?..........
  10. Fair play lads for giving it a bash both ways can be beneficial, you could always try both? Have a slip in pocket and if you think that you could benefit a run by putting on the slip then why not?
  11. me too. never owned a pure bred lurcher yet. they're all bloody mongrels and i love em What I meant is just lurcher to lurcher with a bit of most in them........
  12. I own mongrels, I just raise them watch and learn from them then work them to their strengths, I'm just happy being out there doing what I do........
  13. spot on mate, helps a lot with regards to not netting unoccupied warrens..... Keep at it, it's a learning curve for both yous.
  14. It's certainly a sport I've never seriously thought would end in death...... RIP.
  15. Unless its shrunk since posting Ross I would hazard a guess as to about 6"x 6" Just testing you del........ 10/10 for observation!!!
  16. Old bitch never had a booster, white bitch and terrier get them annually as a courtesy to my vet as he has done a lot for me over the years and touch wood 2014 has been vet free......
  17. Very nice mate what sort of size is it?
  18. Kangaroo steak from lidl for my tea!!.....

    1. tb25


      love aldi and lidl..allways good for a mooch abot

    2. RossM


      Aye it has a few gems

    3. Blackbriar


      I thought kangaroo's came from Australia.....

    4. Show next comments  234 more
  19. Long and short of it both are tried and tested, there is no right and no wrong it's a preference.
  20. f**k me..... For a second....... I could see it!!!
  21. Is the lamp on continuos like? Lamp on quick scan, general direction with dog in vicinity, get to position, lamp on, quick hiss, dog knows it's game on and it's on? No?
  22. I start pups off on the slip,,,,and as there experience grows,,they kind of learn them selfs,,,,I do tend to give a comand,,I can't help myself,,,,but it's a kind of muffled hissed whisper if you know what I mean,,,and it's always the same two words day or night,,"git on"When I'm lamping and I'm sure most lads are the same,,I quickly cast the lamp over the area and make a mental note of where the bunnys are,,,usually with an experienced dog,,,they know too,,,then pick out your target... I think the important part of the dog training ,,,is the recal and walking at heel,,,I don't mean like one
  23. The dog will tell you when it's too old.....
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