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Everything posted by RossM

  1. Haha..best post ive read since dinosaurs walked the earth!!! I too lived and breathed a life which seen me trawling the countryside in the hours of darkness with a dazzler in hand yet these days I enjoy my daytime forays, the days of returning home without the motor laden with game after been lamping and seeing me in a state of depression until I was back in the swing of filling the car regularly now seem a lifetime away..these days im often out with my pooches, my rucksack full of grub & treats for the dogs a flask and will trail around from dawn until dusk with little intention or want t
  2. Sensible offers will post if buyers arrange couriers.
  3. Sensible offers will post if buyers arrange couriers.
  4. It's celtics last seasons away green, you wanting it?
  5. My white bitch is from a mother/son accidental breeding, no issues whatsoever.
  6. Can you keep us updated Foxdigger. Will do mate, be cheap trackers at quid if they work!! App on the phone shows the location of the collar using google maps.... Very simple principle, be interesting to see how it actually does! I looked at these a month or so ago, the only downside I can see is they not waterproof as such, splash proof & rain proof yes. But then depending on the charging/power system I'm sure splitting it and rebuilding whilst siliconing the seams would work?
  7. I thought it was going to end with you bumming him.......
  8. Much preferring the early morning/day time at the minute, lot less hassle etc, but if I look out the window and that tree is bending then I just can't help but get excited and pace the floor till it's "that time"
  9. Anyone got photos or vids of the comparison results between this and the striker?
  10. Depends how much time they got and the weather, brush it, or put a hat on...................
  11. Now you know how that c**t feels!!
  12. And she's into kinky shit like masks and anal beads.......
  13. Of course shooting them is humane just like shooting rabbits and foxes I would more than a dog sinking it teeth in to it And what about poor shot placement?
  14. Let's all not take the piss out jim Those that have met him will know he's just dim. Wherever he goes he takes young mist. And he comes on here it's like he's still pissed. For the fishing comp he travelled afar Thick f****r lost his mobile, it was still in the car. Aye they arbroathians are a different breed His favourite joke is about half a sheeps Heid Aye he may be bald, his directions and jokes bad But jim is a gent and a cracking lad.
  15. I know what your saying but the lad has f**k all to hide and the sneaky b*****ds would've probably A.) followed him or B.) requested info/name check etc. Waste of f***ing deer that, these lads have no morals or respect although I bet the c**t exaggerated a bit, 20 lads and 20 deer ?!?! Was it a f***ing poaching party?!?!
  16. Had a walk local with lamp took the 2 lurchers and the terrier lol, it was just their night walk really but I had to have a wee look, it would be rude not to, the only dog to catch............ The terrier!! Before anyone asks no you can't put a greyhound over her!!!!
  17. You fly with the birds as the saying goes..... Looks like he still can't keep it shut, 2 lads been questioned for it,
  18. On top of jail time he'll have also lost his game keeping licence too, and if that's all the lad knows then he's f****d when he gets out too, do I understand why he did it? Yes. Do I agree? No. But then I've never been in the position he's been put in. The fact he can probably never work again doing the job he probably loves would've been a harsh punishment enough but to have to do porridge too, I'd rather have my tax money go to better use IMO.
  19. Just trap em and relocate to labs shoot..... He's only a f***ing ginger anyhow......
  20. With a quarry quota too .
  21. RossM


    Cheers Ossie that's that sorted.....
  22. RossM


    Anyone recommend a B&B down there that's decent relatively well priced? Got a wedding to go to in February and needlessly to say everything has been left to the last minute lol,
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