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Everything posted by RossM

  1. RossM

    Mag Box

    Does it work? Guy int pub says he knows you sweatys ain't had leccy all that long, but stop being so god damn gullible. Buy a magic wand if you want instant cures Hold on till I get my wellies on pal......... To wade through all the pish you talk......
  2. I'll only take one. but it IS 25 foot long. Mrs walsh's stocking? No. That's 25 ft wide. Ooooooooooooofffffffft!!!!! I take it she's out?!?!
  3. I'll only take one. but it IS 25 foot long. Mrs walsh's stocking?
  4. Reminds me of BPR with a f***ing catty...........
  5. RossM

    Mag Box

    How? Have you knocked a toe?
  6. For a second there I thought you were packing in tam!!!
  7. I'm still trying to work out the question...... Is he asking for a loan of money?
  8. Just back from cinema, I for one enjoyed it, great film.
  9. theres more deer in Scotland than ever as well and there's always been a ban up here there every where up here can't walk your dog's at time because of the fecking thins yes iv worked around gretna, upto edinburgh and hunted a few areas around there and theres no shortage of roe Fooking rakes of them....
  10. Some daft c**t probably used it as toothpaste!! Cheers Ross ,,just landed on my door mate ,,,warped up in brown cardboard ,,,none discript white tube inside,,,would have loved to have seen the face of the person that recieved the other parcel,,,lol I had an unopened tube so I just sent that mate, I had visions of you ending up with it all over they sausages you call fingers!!
  11. Something will be along about "not having the time" blah blah blah they enjoy the power but not the duty...
  12. Yeah he was 2 year old on the 2nd of October gone Ross..about time I got the muppet working I think ") For the life of me I couldn't remember 2 or 3 lol . Time fair flies Ross haha..I never rushed him as he wasn't mentally or more importantly physically ready for work, he never even caught a bunny until gone 12 1/2 months old haha but he's made rapid progress since then, no world beater but a fair animal,obedient as a collie he is..I like the dog and he can fill a freezer without much fuss, put four to bed last three mornings he has, can run any type of terrain, hunt like a spaniel, jump ANY
  13. Or dump him in the middle of no where with his mitts tied and a pillow case cable tied to his head?
  14. Yeah he was 2 year old on the 2nd of October gone Ross..about time I got the muppet working I think ") For the life of me I couldn't remember 2 or 3 lol .
  15. RossM


    How you getting on tarqs?
  16. You'd likely poop yourself like you did the moped incident......
  17. I've learned that no matter how big someone is or how hard they meant to be, a digit to the eyeball is suffice to put the ball in your court, having a daughter myself now I would make sure I'd have his eyeball out to start with and then I'd put another type of ball in their f***ing place......
  18. It's commonly known as the graveyard shift bob...........
  19. I'll hazard a guess at 73p.....
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