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Everything posted by RossM

  1. Pishing down and windy here since about 21.30 last night, shame about the time of year....... Ideal lamping conditions
  2. Looks a decent place for an early or late mooch joe... Good on glen with his first (of many hopefully) rabbit
  3. RossM


    Mine aren't keen on it either tbh, in fact the terrier, the fussy wee f****r won't eat it raw.....
  4. Had the bike out joined the gym lost over a stone...... I've had people shouting "Gary!" At me in the street......
  5. Still here comes with buddy bottle too...
  6. It's up to him to tell you, but if he does you won't stop laughing!!
  7. Perhaps it's the face to face only bit that's putting them aff seeing as your a blethering auld goat.......
  8. Mate, build a wooden frame for the base as such and then pour cement in
  9. £150 is a fair going what I'd expect to pay for a lurcher pup, I've always said if I bred a litter I'd be around the £100 mark and I don't understand these fuckers that think it suffice to clash on an extra £50 for it being a bitch pup...
  10. Ideal for taking a piss then.......
  11. Poor old man and poor old wife/lady..... f***ing coward obviously had/has something to hide.
  12. meant to be but can't get in touch with 2 so we will see lol Dave I'd just find other homes for them if the cuni don't have the decency to either answer you or get in touch
  13. never thought of that safe to say I could leave my paper in yours and there's not a hope in hell of you finishing the crossword......
  14. Cheers pal, The blue one and the light built one are my mates whippets, the heavier set one is just a lurcher to lurcher mate
  15. As we walked down... Playing peek a boo!!
  16. Not a full recovery Gareth, she doesn't have full use of the leg, there is no muscle mass but she gets around just fine can still run about with the best of them and I have no doubt she'd catch a few rabbits still but it scunnered BPR and she'll never work again, mind she looks happy enough sprawled out on his couch!!
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