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Everything posted by RossM

  1. What about a f**k off roof boxlol feck me cages roof boxes may as well get a trailer to pmsl Just buy an artic lorry and be done with it Davy......
  2. Done a few head gaskets on them for overheating under load even though it throws up no hydrocarbons.. Plenty space not too bad to do.
  3. Had a chuckle when you mentioned owain said, "just staple it" hope she's back at it soon enough.
  4. Don't you mean Ronnie fookin Prickering?
  5. I was looking for a battery for my daughters electric quad and I came across this? Any good for powering a lamp? If I've worked it out its 12v 15ah http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271841298368?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  6. That photo with the morning dew and the sun glintin off your penalty spot is a topper Kev....
  7. Rotten fence post...........more like your fat frame broke it... Probably contributed a tad.....
  8. Not long turned two and she was up that hill Nae bother!!
  9. Speedy recovery Water of leith, ironically had an episode with barbed wire and rotten fenceposts myself out lamping last Thursday no where as bad as yours, two deep cuts in my thigh and the erse ripped out my breeks and a hurt pride lol.....
  10. RossM


    Could be anyone of those 31599 porn sites you visit.......
  11. That's coz you cannae get a ride yan ugly ginger bar steward!!!!! (Sorry missus aboot if you read this)
  12. Got a forester decent motor but I'm going back to a van based motor, so if anyone wants to buy a forester........
  13. Well done joe. 2 rabbits is a cracking start to any first night
  14. I remember out lamping probably about 6 yr ago now, was out with big Davie about 6'4, so we were walking through this ploughed field to get to another one when he says "haud oan a minute, am needing the toilet" with that he thrusts the dug lead in my hand, I carried on ALONG the hedge line. Now a bit time passes and I had assumed that he was heading towards us so I shone lamp up the hedge line to let him know where we were...... Nae Davie!! I then assumed that one he had finished his piss the daft c**t having the same sense of direction as a toilet brush had headed in the wrong direction, so h
  15. Sounds like RubyTex just gets the dog to lick his hole clean It started off with putting jam on his balls.....
  16. 717 dead?!?......... My thoughts go out to those two families......
  17. Shitting = masterbating
  18. It will probable be looking ok in about a fortnight HOWEVER I'd be waiting a month to six weeks before even thinking about it...
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