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Everything posted by RossM

  1. Planning ahead but anyone close to Edinburgh and the Lothians have one I could use to take my hills out of season when they come in? thanks
  2. It’s very very vague but it does read that providing certain criteria and conditions are met then you will still be within the law
  3. I would say so as long as humanely dispatched
  4. I emailed them asking on the stance of using a dog to mark and hold in nets and where we would stand should a rabbit manage to elude the net. This is the reply received today Still about as much use as tits on a fish but could argue that as long as the rabbit is humanely dispatched you’re within the law as it says “chasing and killing” not chasing and retrieving? anyway it’s still a lot of nonsense
  5. Big believer in passing it on, a member on here gifted me a double carrier which I still use however I have a triple box I’m happy to gift, collection from West Lothian
  6. Is this still available? Thanks
  7. Saw a hare in one of the fields, squirrels a plenty ??
  8. Few from Sunday am… wee 10 second countdown to get me and the dug
  9. So I enquired about a wee dug that’s 4 month old that is about 10 mile away from me, now I wasn’t expecting a dog for nothing I was not expecting them to hit me with transportation fees for the wee b*****d to get from Romania even though it’s a 15 minute drive away…???? anyone got a wee dug for sale? ??
  10. Let’s not forget this is any dog and anything other than a mouse or rat, if wee auld Isa’s cockawockiewoo chases a squirrel down the park she is paying out on her pension or potentially scissoring with big bad Bertha at some women’s prison somewhere….. it’s f****d f****d
  11. Saw this the other week, if it works?
  12. I’m not talking about something thats 3+ I’m talking about something up to a year old or so that could still be trained, I’d love another terrier but in all honesty I’m out the house for 12 hours so no time for a puppy puppy, the missus is out 4-5 hours so something that doesn’t piss everywhere in that time and doesn’t wreck the house would be ideal…. reading that back I’m not looking for much am I? lol
  13. They seem easier to get than other rescues, I’ve joined a couple of terrier rehoming groups on the auld pussbook
  14. Unsure though… so my wee terrier passed in October aged 14 she was part of the family and we all loved her very much. The lurcher has good days and bad days where you can tell she misses her companion who was always there from the day she came home and we are now at the stage of thinking of getting another dog, by all means not a replacement. I have been looking on these rescue sites as I would like to give a something another chance in life, just a wee small to medium dog, however there’s that much criteria to be met it’s neither wonder these rescues are full to capacity. “Kids ov
  15. I know John, I put him onto a terrier a good few years ago
  16. With staying on a farm and literally 20 yards from a burn it was inevitable at some point I would encounter some rodents. Put some traps down, one the first night, one through the night that got eaten, one the next night and one 4 days after that, had none since Monday so fingers crossed. My wee terrier if she was still here would have had a field day. Need another one soon
  17. Rolling an ankle coupled with a knackered knee means I have been less active than usual the past few weeks so eased my way back in exercise wise with a wee walk up “my hill” I call it mine because in all the times I have been up there I can count on one hand how many times I’ve came across anyone else. It was a tad blawy at the top to be fair and if I’m honest it didn’t feel as easy as the last time I walked it!! Couple of photos anyway
  18. And then to drop again by the weekend
  19. Finally starting to thaw out here now after a week of sheet ice and frozen ground, 14°c here tomorrow apparently too.
  20. I got a ban for posting a photo of my arse…
  21. I said if they were taking a few for the pot and not damaging anything they were doing no harm, some boy said the harm was being on the land without permission and I said no that was what was wrong not the harm… next its imploded ??
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