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Everything posted by RossM

  1. Don't think I mentioned but the missus cousin got a bitch from same litter, that's coming out with me the morra, as she says she's having issues with it, so I said I'd go through and see for myself as I think it's more issues regarding her
  2. My missus is on maternity leave....
  3. Snow no far away Wants to play
  4. And whin even belittles his brother in laws dug.....
  5. My mates regularly brings rabbits back sometimes they're dead other times alive,
  6. Aye right doos, it's coz you cannae go lamping without teddy!!! How is superted anyway?
  7. Ok I admit it I pushed her......
  8. She had torch, I just tried to use the flash on my phone and it took a picture!
  9. Took the bairn 'lamping' earlier basically a walk with the dog and her wee torch, she took her first header! lol 'do you want to take dads hand?' "No"
  10. Scottish goat..... Hard as f**k!!!
  11. I think I'm gay... Yes I think I may just be a lesbian, Coz I watch they lesbo porn films and I tell you there's not one thing they do to each other that I wouldn't do to them.....
  12. Piss aff you yah erse ! yeh dinnae complain aboot my Beddy x when it`s outpacing everything tae the rabbits lol Probably trying to get oot of earshot o whin gibbering pish!!!
  13. It went from proper f****d.... To f****d f****d in around 7 minutes.....
  14. Although bumping his gums on the blower is a concern in itself, spouting how the conversation went on here ain't gonna help matters..... Jmho
  15. Depends on the question asked.... OI WALSHIE!!! What you have for your dinner?
  16. ****FOR SALE**** SPARES OR REPAIRS 14ah lithium battery 1 careful owner with a wrecking ball child Charges unknown Bodywork in fair condition, 3 small screwdriver marks and a big f**k off hammer mark, 1 or 2 leaky cells, Ideal project for some thick c**t who would be as well burning the cash. Open to offers....
  17. It was my mates but hey I sincerely hope your next shites a hedgehog.....
  18. Or a weegie on dropped wallet.....
  19. I'm on it like a tramp on chips boys....
  20. Case no broken but it rattles lol, bairn just went uh-oh ! lol
  21. My daughter has just took my lithium off charge upstairs and bounced it down the stairs? It now rattles and doesn't work, anyone any experience of opening these things or am I best just asking Santa for one? To make it worse it's marked the wall and missus is like a f***ing Duracell battery....
  22. Even if I was a normal sized person I'd still not lift them over. LOL f***ing right mate, if they want to get there that bad they'll get there, my sister in laws pup, I've went the laminate flooring across the doorway route she's now clearing 3 with ease which is approx 18 inches, it's not fairing well with the sister in law as, although not as cleanly, she can get over the baby gate and into the kitchen to rake the bin!!
  23. To be fair unless commanded to "hup" or in pursuit of quarry if left to own devices my Lurcher will try and get through or under which I don't mind as long as they middle strands aren't barbed lol, finding the last couple of months my 11yr old Bitch only good for a few jumps then I have to lift her, I don't mind though she's served me well and it's the least I can do for her.
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