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Everything posted by RossM

  1. Eddie Hearn has been saying for ages held beat fury tommorow it's time Eddie put words to action no point saying it everyime his man wins a fight if he got no intention of doing it wilder or povetkin of wach next got to be but I bet you they take chisora next and that won't go much different than tonight and would be a waste of time Again, and it's only my opinion I do think delboy would be a great fight for him, fury beat him, haye beat him comfortably BUT he is a good boxer, he'll fight anybody and has been in title contention, then we could really gauge AJ as a heavyweight boxer instead
  2. Why should he rush into big fights? Get as many rounds experience as you can, get the feel for it, nurture him then have a dash with the big boys,
  3. At this stage I'd agree with Tyson but hughie in my opinion and it is just my humble opinion hughie wouldn't last as long as dillian there
  4. What happened there he was getting beat mate and the only way for him to win that was ko but that wasn't going to happen so his corner made the right decision imo Spot on, when you know your fighter has given all he's got and he's no further forward your putting him in danger every time the bell goes....
  5. Correct decision to keep him sat......
  6. Thank jehovah for openbox.......
  7. cael diwrnod gwych fy ychydig joci selsig arsed byr , mae gormod o ceiliogod fraster neu ni fyddwch yn bwyta eich cinio.....
  8. I'll have a look, it might be archived though If memory serves me right tb asked for it to be removed because we were directing all the newbies towards it
  9. Malt can't we bring it back for 24hrs seeing as it's Xmas?
  10. I'll send something once I get back to work and been paid.
  11. If they never took the dog and ferrets I think that rules out gypos that someone suggested in a previous post, hopefully someone somewhere knows these fuckers and does the honourable thing, and if yous are on here lads and are reading this you should be afuckinshamed of yourselfs, not only for what you've done here, but for what your actions will no doubt do for the dog game, everything we say and fight to prove we ain't, it's the folk like you that make it look like we are...
  12. So the stole your car too? And the rabbits? I mean who the f**k would even think any of that is acceptable?
  13. Very very poor show that, there's a difference between a crack in the jaw and taking stuff and leaving someone for dead, wishing you a speedy recovery.
  14. There's a gun shop in Armadale which is close to Livingston, which is west Lothian the castle is town centre, I found farmers are a lot more shooter friendly than dog friendly lol
  15. Has chisora not stepped in to take someone's place? Fair play he was fighting just last week.
  16. Think Santa is bringing me one....
  17. Tb25's "give me two weeks" can't believe it got removed!!
  18. 1/4 collie 3/8 grey 1/8 saluki 1/8 deer 1/8 whippet if I've worked it out right ....... There's not much she hasn't stopped and more than 1 or 2 at each sitting either.
  19. fud!! I like the knitted gear for newborns but it's like hens teeth to find anywhere
  20. Ah I look forward to a hat and nits for my waens tell her.......
  21. It was February you were up bawjaws and she's already taller than the two Welsh lads i was with then @ 52cm....... Cheers mate,
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