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Everything posted by RossM

  1. Price of pups!! Bejesus!!! was having a wee look (as you do)
  2. Beddy/collie/grey x deer/grey ????
  3. Mine still get excited to see each other ?
  4. I’ve got a Jill and 2 hobs
  5. Polecat to a albino jill
  6. Same here, got a wee stumpy tailed yin too
  7. Wee bit size difference ?
  8. RossM


    Looking through some old photos when I met John, sat on the side of a hill in the Baltic cold with the hounds working away, John talking away and it took me a full 15 minutes to work out what he was saying......
  9. RossM


    John was a good lad, met him once. RIP
  10. She’s a vets wet dream that one...
  11. I’m doing well pal, how’s you? It’s still a f***ing pug though!! ??
  12. Tried to fix it... can’t ??
  13. Wee wander up a local hill this morning with the pup and the auld terrier. Pup found a couple of nice wee sets and must have put up half a dozen grouse as well, got a decent nose on her anyways.. my sister and her pug came too
  14. You mean Hopper?.....
  15. With lock down relaxed it was good to be back out on the hills with the family
  16. Gotta love April, same wee walk last night got to the top and saw the snow cloud coming in, snaw and sunshine at the same time!! ??
  17. Literally a 5 minute drive from my house so is handy ????
  18. None what so ever, I sometimes think I see her kick it out every so often but it doesn’t affect her turning or pace anyway. wee auld yin was there too, mooching aboot ?? she’s just turned 12 and is the size of a coo but she still does just as many miles as the pup
  19. Wee early morning walk up the hill with the mutts, she’s getting there with the jumping and retrieving, braw Morning, glorious sunshine and not a soul in sight
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