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Everything posted by 20bennett07

  1. The issue today is that for many of us we cannot seem to find the right balance of nutrition from high protein feeds that cater for a dogs diet due to the many differences in needs from foods, i would like to introduce a fine young gentleman determined to help us, if you could look at his clinical testing of certain foods, it would be much appreciated ... thanks
  2. my method for doing it may seem a little 'bother' but as its exclusively foxes i snare then as they say measure twice cut once,this method has stood me in good stead as i rely on good sized foxes for taxidermy but hey each to their own
  3. paddy,cut 2 thin sticks from a decent hardwood tree (make sure they are green ) around 12" in height,place a point in one end of each stick,then split the stick carefuly and evenly around a quarter of the way down,attach one of the split sticks to the sliding noose/runner and the other stick to the other side of the noose and drive both sticks into the ground till the snares height is set at 6" and DONE hope ive helped
  4. i like my hammer ha its great for dealing with all trapped and snared pests plus the maggie only got me when (due to my trap being too big) i couldnt get a hold of it
  5. You all should try putting a full magpie decoy in it to start with when you are trying for a call bird,ive even done it with bread works great magpies are easy to get BUT the F*CKERS bite from experience,UNTIL a ball pein hammer has a go on it
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