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Everything posted by Salukigreyhound2020

  1. Was it any good for things that run further then rabbits have got one of them tracer LED’s but only good for rabbits
  2. I like to wait till the undergrowth has died down to lay nets but I’ll start bolting to the dogs anytime in September
  3. Anyone had any experience using a torch instead of lamp anything you’d recommend been looking at the Olights
  4. Non ped bitch lamps at heel, more then just a rabbit dog 19tts takes long ears and bolters without nets also pulls teeth but struggles finishing off little dogs are underrated
  5. Little LED good for bunny bashing, take the big halogen if there’s a chance of something running further away
  6. Both sire and dam was saluki crosses think it works out about 5/8 saluki 3/8 grey
  7. first proper season had a few on lamp back end of last season
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