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Everything posted by Guss33
Excellent job I think the next thing I might give a go at is making a small purse net and see how I go as I am unable to find anything like that in Australia. I do though have a trammel net that was once a fishing net that I picked up along the line and removed the floats and weights. Un sure on the mesh size but it does work well when I get a chance I will post up a picture of it and the size of both meshes. You have done a great job.
Yes I went out today for two hours today and got a coupon but also lost quite a few little ones that slipped the nets. O well I will get them next time.
It’s amazing how one person can destroy everyone’s else’s fun and sport.
What we found was we order the ends and use our own mesh. The kit you buy is the same as darbo but we found the mesh to be soft. But we have some of those and they are good for when you need to bend and flex the trap from time to time. Another good use is when the ferret holds you up put them on all the holes and when the ferret decides to come out it can’t go far.
Is their many people out their that uses bolt traps or do they have a different name in other parts of the world. These are the ones we use quite often they are bulky but most of the places we ferret we drive right up to the warrens and have them in the Ute. If anyone is using them what length do people use I have just made up twenty of them 10 of them that are 500 mm long and 10 of them that are 800 mm long W
Yep our numbers in Australia where I live have gone crazy possibly due to the lockdowns we have had over the last 2 years and no one was able to go out ferreting. We have been doing a bit and been getting good numbers.
Well this is my Littel Jill That is a grate hunter but some how is also the family pet. I put her in a different cage for a few hours today while I cleaned out her cage. I gave her a rabbit leg for her and the two kits she had and for some reason she put a rag from her bedding over it after the young ones had a feed. Because it’s hot at the moment is it possible she is trying to keep the flys of it or just because she can it was interesting just watching her. The kits are around 4 weeks old and are handled everyday by myself and my two kids. Hope to get another two great hunters as they are bo
Maybe each Product is tested first before it’s sent out. How did you find your net system.
Check out Brian Brindal on you tube their is one where he shows how to set the net and he also explains on how he come up with the idea of making it. Surf the net and find it or if anyone knows where to find it please post up the link
Stick with it read up on this site their is plenty of great information on long netting and people more than giving you good advice. I only got into long netting around two years ago and like you didn’t know much. Watched a lot of utube videos and asked a lot of questions. You will get their before you know it. Good luck and keep at it.
I don’t like the idea of leads or collars as I think they would get caught on tree roots.
Lucky you don’t live in Australia, your question would be how to transport my back hoe as our ground we ferret in is hard and rock. I have being watching videos and seen photos on how many digs you people do. I think we are lucky or our ferrets just have it in them to bolt the rabbits out or just kill and keep going. Can anyone tell me why we seem to be lucky to not have to dig and get held up in the land of down under.
I have a cage in my shed that is 7 meters by 12 meters with a cage in it and from time to time I have I bring in my ferrets and put them in it so the kids in the street can see them or due to bad weather and after a couple of hours yep by god they stink it out yep no way would I keep them in the house. I sold one young ferret kit to a lovely young lady a few years back and when she come over to see it she brought her pet ferret over to make sure it would get a long with it. She said to me it’s great to come home to here the ferret running up the hallway when I open the front door as I live by
Yep I have had the same problem. But I have also come Accross other people’s nets on property’s where I have permission and always make the call before I go. One farm I do I found two nets on his property and showed the owner the difference in mine and the ones I found. He said if was to see some one on his property they will be dodging bullets. You live and learn. Some of the nets I have found over the years and also found two of the old style rabbit traps. When I find them I will post the photos up.
I found some photos on the net from Australia pre mixy from the early 1900 And NO I am not that old.
Wee need to teach the young generation and guide them through their ruts where I live I am the youngest one that ferrets and I am 50. Keep at it it’s in the ferrets blood to hunt they will switch on and get that catch. It’s great to see everyone on this post is more then happy to help with advice too all well done.
It’s a shame you don’t live in the great land of down under Australia, I would be more then happy to take you out. You are on a great forum and their is plenty you can learn from . I have not had any problems with my young ones when I first take them out but I always worked them with their mother who is a 3 year old , great family pet but a fantastic hunter. As time goes on you will learn lots some by trial and error and from here. DON’ T give up you will get their , in saying that long term you may start breading them and work through the proses and end up with some fantastic workers and lea
Great to see you have a heart of gold with your ferrets I am in Australia Victoria with one of the hardest lockdown in the world being unable to work my ferrets for close to two years that have almost turned into playful pets. But soon I should be able to work them again. I hope they will know how to work again.
I think it is personal preference. Bigger mesh the smaller rabbits will get away. Not good for the land owner who you are trying to help out to get rid of the rabbit for. But their will be rabbits their next time you go.
It’s good to see they were returns in good condition by some one that was not able to work them.
He could be a young kid as he said I am new to the sport, may be we need to put a topic at the top of this page that stays their giving the newbies some good advice on ways to get permission, and even some basic ferret care ,Hang in there Gareth and stick around you will gain a lot of good advice and tips. I have been getting some great tips on this site and also on the long netting site , but found the long netting a little slow but have found a lot of great advice.
The best question to ask is how’s the best way on getting permission to get onto property’s.
I have 7 hobs that have being cut and two jills in the same pen never had a problem just put them together and crept an eye on them. I did early days had problems introducing new ferrets together fighting kept a close eye on it and before I put them together full time swap their bedding around or even swap the ferrets around in the cages. I did have a few problems with them fighting but over time after putting them together for a few hours a day they soon become one big happy family. I only take my Jills out when they come into season and have their young. I am not a fan on having the two jill
Well this is the finished product it’s got a 200 meter net with 100% baging net is 100 meters long haven’t used it yet but will be in the next couple of weeks as most of the rabbits around are small. THANK YOU TO ALL for your help and advice. No doubt things on it will change over time.