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Everything posted by Guss33

  1. If you lived in Australia not a problem their are plenty for sale at the moment. For some reason there are a lot more this year than the last couple of years.
  2. Great looking ferrets BUT who is the Vikings.
  3. Can we get reflective vests small enough to fit them. But I would have to say it would be a good idea to use ferret locators.
  4. Excellent love it tryed it a couple of times good fun.as mentioned above any good tips.
  5. Looks like a great you had and a good catch. I am still new to the night time netting we are getting them but not in the numbers i have seen on this site. The numbers are their but we are lucky if we can even catch 10 percent but in time we will get their. Great job
  6. It’s great to see your young one the general is doing well. The vidio is also great. Its great to see how your dogs work and great land. Best thing of all you know when to stop when the weather starts to worm up and you don’t push them to keep working. Well done you have great respect for your animals / work mates.
  7. Anything is possible one friend of mine has being breading the fire ball ferrets for years and has always ended up with a mixed bag of colours. Another bloke I know he has always worked black eyed albinos and breeds black eyed whites together and he also ends up with a mixed bag of colours. I think it is just pot luck on what you get.
  8. Good looking dogs something I would love to have with my ferreting kit but for me to have dogs it would be unfair to them as I don’t get out enough to use them. A dogs life to me should not be spending its time in a backyard. They need to run.
  9. I met the old timer last year when I needed to breed my Jill when he showed me all the ferrets has I in shock it’s unbelievable. But he was very particularly on which job to use. From the time I met him we have come great mates I drop in once or twice a weak to give him a hand. He has a passion on trying to breed the perfect fire ball ferrets. But his now trying to the perfect panda ferrets something I have not heard of. And we have since teamed up and do quite a lot of ferreting together.
  10. My little female milly is 17 months old and she went into season at around 12 months old I bred her and she had a litter of 7 I was lucky to find another person who had a male that I could bread her with at the time due to coved at the time as I was only able to travel 5 KM radius from home. Being told a ferrets first time being in season will not have young ones I find it hard to believe. I am 50 years of age I don’t know everything about ferrets but as growing up with my farther we had ferrets he always stressed with the ferrets we had as they were all Jill’s and if they’re weren’t bread the
  11. Give it around a week or to that is what I have done and I have never had a problem.
  12. Just out of interest we’re you saw the 100 or so ferrets was that in whittlesea by any chance Aussie whip. As their is an old timer up this way who is 87 years old and still going strong ??.
  13. Feed them well and be loyal to your animals and they will be loyal to you and I still have all my fingers. My farther often said to me if you get home late and you are hungery feed your pets first as they can’t go to the pantry and get there dinner.
  14. This is just a hand full on what we have. We are not into ferret farming for money but for some reason most of the does come into season very early and then went back into season again for the second time it has being a very strange year for the ferrets. Please don’t take it wrong we do not do this like a puppy farm. And if you are wondering how much they eat we need 3 dears a fortnight minced up to feed them and that is before the rabbits and chicken mince on top. They are very well looked after and when people call to by if we don’t think they are suited to own a ferret they don’t get as the
  15. Before you get any more ferrets make sure you fix up the hole so you don’t loose any more. It’s happened to me years ago now all my cages are made of steel and very fin mesh. I do at the moment have one very smart and cheeky female ferret who is very tiny and will put her paw through the mesh and play with the lock to get out. But she will only do this when I am not around but when I tie the door up with wire she won’t even try. For the loss of your two ferrets I am sorry to hear as it’s like loosing your bet hunting buddies. If you lived in Australia I would be more than happy to help you out
  16. How do the ferrets Handel the snow and the cold weather jus out of interest.
  17. The ones he has are not for sale and he doesn’t even work them they are his pets but he does have other ferrets that he does work.
  18. Just something different a mate of mine likes to breed this type of ferret he has 9 different ones like this. The thing is these ones he keeps as pets only not for hunting. Had any one else out their got any interesting coloured ferrets that they would like to show.
  19. Got three new ferrets young 4 months old all 3 of them are bucks as I prefer to use cut bucks and get them cut that way I can use them all year around. Two of them I got of a mate of mine and the other one is the son of my doe. I will wait until they are 6 months old before I take them out. Is this a good age or should I wait until they are a bit older. I will run them with one of my other ferrets who is around 3 years old and a good hunter. As you can see they have a play ground that I built with my kids. The kids love it and so do the ferrets.
  20. They look great the only thing that has always concerns me is when you sell them that they go to a good home and correctly fed and looked after not put in a cage and forgotten about and fed dog food and not handled.
  21. To every one that has posted the tips thank you very very much greatly appreciated. I will keep practicing
  22. How long should you put the nets out before the time you lift them up. I was led to believe that you set your nets up a day before and lower them on the ground for a night hunt. On the night you turn up lift up quietly lift up the nets and slowly start from one end and start chasing them in to the net. The reason I put it down a day or two earlier is I was led to believe the rabbits get use to them on the ground and walk over them by doing this their should be plenty of rabbits out in the field on the night you lift up the nets. Is what I am doing correct.
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