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Everything posted by stu_young

  1. stu_young


    looks like it needs more baggin but i'm no expert by a long shot
  2. nice lookin fish there mate... wish we had sea trout here
  3. looks like they had a good turn out.. wish i could off got over for it
  4. highlight off the day was MC digging within the first 15 minutes thou... glad you had a good day Leon we will have to get out there again in the new year
  5. british army combat jacket just make a pokcet for the poles if you ask Molecather he might put a pic of his nettin jacket up
  6. going good mate after all i learnt from one off the best .lol

  7. lol same to you mate hope you have a good one
  8. feck it who needs hair just getin in your mouth anyway
  9. hi all when i was growing up was always told only rabbit when there is a R in the month so i normally stop April time an start mid September just wondering when you all stopping rabbiting etc etc
  10. can i ask 1 question why do you want to roast it? best bet is making a nice stew with the rabbit. 1 large cooking pot with lid take 1 rabbit cleaned an jointed peel and slice 2-4 carrots depends if you like lots off veg or making for a few peeps peel an dice 4 spuds or how many you think you will need when cooking for 2 i use 4 largish spuds peel an roughly chop 1 large onion place all in the large pan with the jointed rabbit an cover with water an place on a medium heat till it boils then let it simmer for 2-3 hours if you in no rush, or if you have a slow cooker place all off it in
  11. gut skin wash bang oven on for 20-30 minutes gas mk6 to warm up place rabbit in roasting tin center off oven for about 60mins i think (will have a look ) bring out an cut near the leg an see if any blood if not eat it
  12. you forgot the most important thing your flask an food
  13. they do hold fish i have 1 off the biggest off shore wind farm just down the road at scratby sands where that pics was taken an it fishes well
  14. i always found if i smoked i hardly had any rabbits as there sense off smell is a lot better than ares so will go to ground if they smell anything unnatural
  15. download a program called power iso that converts bin files so you can watch them
  16. as far as i know hunting with a bow at what ever is illegal is this country
  17. pm mole catcher he sells his for 40 quid i think it is
  18. wouldnt mind some venison but alsas i havent got [NO TEXT TALK] so it will be what ever is stuck in front off me
  19. wherer abouts are you please mate
  20. Happy birthday mate hope you have a good one
  21. i'm glad he has been found an back at home now
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