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Everything posted by stu_young

  1. i love catching tench one off my fav fresh water fish to catch
  2. when i use pellets i use small bait bands an put them straight on the hook
  3. try troutlure.co.uk he might beable to make them for you
  4. http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/subje.../subjects/fish/
  5. no fishing license needed in Scotland no matter what age, just need local fishing permit fpr salmon an sea trout etc etc
  6. hi all i have a quick question.. does anybody know off any rivers that hold sea trout in the norfolk/suffolk/south lincs area
  7. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/100ft-POCKET-SIZE-LO...p3286.m14.l1318 the way i used to do it was 2 3x4 posts hammed in to the sand as far as i could get them, or use net anchors..(ask any trawler man)
  8. pently lakes hold some big fish off the a47 near kingslynn
  9. the menie straight sp is always worth a go...... most off the rivers that way hold salmon an sea trout the river dee is 1 thats comes to mind will have a look later an tell you some more the stretch at Betws-y-Coed is worth a shot
  10. i would like it if its still going just gettin in to fly tying
  11. Do not even try an fish larkwood after hours as ian the owner lives on site an has alarm sensor all over the place
  12. it takes me about a hour or so to knit a 3.6ft net or 14 mesh row in 2 minutes when molecatcher gets knittin you cant see his hands move he had done a 3.6ft net befor i had done 10 rows
  13. not really gilly like it was said on the other thread your best bet is with a bigger bird
  14. lol as i'm closer i got first dibs if he ever makes it.
  15. how much for a 100 yd net made from your cobblers silk
  16. easy answer is no its illegal to hunt any thing bar rabbits with dogs now
  17. chats still there bud http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/blab/blab.php
  18. kestrals an sparrowhawks are no good really for your first bird as there whieght control is harder to control your best bet is a harris hawk
  19. hi all not sure if this is the right place for this or not,.... but here goes I'm looking for some simply plans for making eel traps/ nets i know the one with the wool an worms but thats no good to me, so can anybody help
  20. was going to mate but by the time i thought about it i was 2 mile up road with a 400 mile drive in front off me
  21. On my way home last night driving down the a1 near alnwick, i drove past a layby with 10 cleaned rabits just dumped on the road, whats the fecking point in killing them then leaving them beside a main road, It's twats like this thats going to give the antis all the ammo they need to try an get a complet ban on field sports. if you dont want the rabbits burry them or give them away dont just dump them for all to see
  22. hazel poles so cheap they are free,,
  23. stu_young


    under the bonnet on the slam panel you will see a black rubber cap type thing look under that there should be a plug un plug that it should work then
  24. yea get the cabinet installed before your first visit as it will save a 2nd visit........... read somewhere hants is up to 4 months atm but might be wrong
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