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About Beetrootbob

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Location
    Northern Ireland

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  1. How would I be refused shur isn't he retired according to you lol ?
  2. He would want to get off the America page's so ! Putting up pictures of his dog's waiting to be dug and pictures of dog's on his yard lol Out of terriers me hole ?
  3. Thats a foolish statement Chesney dog have been sold for money as long as there have been dogs. These digging men as you put, lets say the digging men of old have sold dogs and sold plenty even taking out adds in local papers and hunting mags the likes of Gould, Nuttal you could keep naming men that didn't do much for the dogs demise back then.
  4. It looks like the day of the Lakeland and the Russell as a regular honest working terrier are gone they are mostly reserved to the show ring nowadays... The Patterdale/Fell terrier are really in the main nowadays, but like the Lakelands and the Russells they are on a slippery road also !
  5. You must be having a wee sniff of the coco leafs again Chesney putting on pictures like that foolish chap
  6. From what I've been led to believe Chesney was great friends with WR the man who took the dog and seemingly bred them aswell, also the guy that owend the dog's was friends with WR aswell supposedly.... Maybe it's just a case of sour grapes between x friends God knows ?
  7. It is not exceptable at all Baker boy, but it dose not seem to bodder Chesney to be crying about it on here the whole time, it's the same old shit the whole time all you seem to do is bang the same old drum, dose he thing he's going to get some great awnser from the people on this forum ? He should of told WR where to go end of.......
  8. The rumour going around the country back when your dog's were taking, was that WR went to your mate's house and took the dog's back that he had sold him then through his money at him !!! From all I've read and been told about this saga your time to man up was when WR was standing in front of you taking the dog's back, instead of crying about it on here for year's lol.......... Your a f***ing clown mate.
  9. No experience of the HID.... I've the 240 bliz with a dimmer swich love it great lamp...
  10. Beautiful dog's a real credit to you ? Bangersanmash
  11. Corkman said it to you about the marked up dog and that's the dribble you came back with the same old tune out of you the hole time lol. Poor old Chesney the guy that was wronged by his best mate and has done nothing but cry about it since ? ?
  12. It was a very badly written book !! Pity really....
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