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Everything posted by horris

  1. dead [bANNED TEXT] mate im havin atlesat 1 of them
  2. horris

    outing again

    nice one wag, cant stop grinning here its funny now but at the time a shit me self i was just sinkin and with bullet bein deff as a post took him ages see me but i still here 2 hawk another day ps [bANNED TEXT] we goin up the moors agen cus am havin 1 of them hares this time
  3. that bird not off him it off me
  4. horris


    ive got the swinging lure for when i had my gyr saker but for my harris hawks if they wud notcum down touch wood never happend yet i wud either drop a dead rabbit for it or bolt 1
  5. how many do ya need mate
  6. not bad ay lad fingers crossed for weekend mate DOES ANY BODY OFF THE FORUM WANT JOIN US IF SO LET ME OR BULLET NO WE GOIN SATURDAY
  7. horris

    My Female Harris

    nice bird mate nice pics wat is her hunting weight
  8. all the best mate just remember ya first year is crucial your learnin the bird aswell its easy for them pick up bad habbits but well dun keep it up
  9. i totally agree about the fireworks there a liability to everything birds dogs and most of all people they should not be sold in shops d#ck heads keep the hawking up peeps
  10. nice drawing mate if id drawn that it wud be goin in a frame on the wall av ya tried doin a pereigrine av a go abet ya wud do a nice job
  11. horris


    no im using plume spay it wont be long fella before we all got goshawks then we will be takin feather
  12. horris


    can put any pics up mate
  13. horris


    now ya got bird hav a bath ya birds got 2 try and make you have 1 atleast i can get in my bath :wankerzo4: hope you get better soon matey who's the daddy? BITCH! you crafty twat r we on for saturday looks like it just me you hawks ferrets dont forget bring your box and collar :drag: faggy ps did ya tell every 1 wat ya male dun 2 ya face :black eye: :tongue4:
  14. horris


    now ya got bird hav a bath ya birds got 2 try and make you have 1 atleast i can get in my bath :wankerzo4: hope you get better soon matey
  15. horris


    you got that permission?
  16. horris

    barn owl

    where r ya from mate
  17. horris


    now ya got bird hav a bath ya birds got 2 try and make you have 1
  18. horris


    now ya got bird hav a bath ya birds got 2 try and make you have 1
  19. horris

    barn owl

    where ya from mate am after 1 of yhem
  20. i did today, its a suprise what you can get even if your not after twit twooooit! but either way im happy with me bird
  21. yeh a bet ya can still taste the cow shit
  22. av u got anymore pics bitch
  23. if you get a young 1 mate just bring the weight down slowly dont rip yhe weight offf it and you will be fine
  24. i must agree with you gizzy needs a hair cut great day there bullet, roll on saturday
  25. horris


    nice bird fella you willhave let me nowhen he ready go out
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