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Everything posted by cprobertson1

  1. Oh aye, I meant to say - great shots indeed! Were you out long taking them?
  2. Indeed! So far I've not met many out in the open (though I did nearly cycle into one yesterday morning) - but that's more an artefact of the time that I'm out in the field than anything else. Learning their routes and what sorts of times they move out of cover is another reason I was wanting to learn more about the fieldcraft side of things.
  3. The latter While I can sit with a big lens and wait for them to come to me, I would much rather be able to go to them, and get up as close as I can.
  4. Many thanks! I'll start chasing up some leads and see where it gets me - I can't think of anyone offhand, but they must be about somewhere - just a matter of finding them. Any suggestions on where I might try looking? Actually, I wonder if the local ranger service might be able to put me in touch with someone, if I get stuck, that is... I'll try asking folk I know and see where it gets me before I bother a council service.
  5. Oops! I should have said. I'm over in Irvine, Ayrshire Nice little area - plenty of land for me to wander once the lockdown is lifted!
  6. Good Morning, folks! I'm an absolute novice at stalking and was looking for some tips on getting started! There's not really anyone around here that I can learn from, I'm afraid - no groups and I don't know any gamekeepers or rangers that I can pester ask to teach me! That's alright though, I have the motivation and perseverance to teach myself. Full disclosure, I'm a photographer rather than a regular hunter... But on the other hand, the only real difference (as far as I am aware) is how I finish a hunt! My only worthwhile skills so far are in building a hide and sitting stil
  7. Afternoon, folks! I'm a novice wildlife photographer who loves getting in amongst the wildlife - it all started hiding under a wool blanket waiting for deer to appear, only for me to wait three hours, get bored, stand up, and discover they were 20m behind me! Of course, by the time I realised, got over my shock, and grabbed the camera they were long-gone! Sure, I may not be a traditional hunter, but that doesn't mean I don't hunt! ... poorly, because I'm a novice! I originally posted on a camera forum (the obvious place for anything photographic!) - but I noticed that my wildli
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