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Everything posted by Greb147

  1. Cutting you like a knife cos I've got you down to a T.
  2. Get to fcuk, his nan wasn't being insulted whatsoever so don't start with that bollocks. He's a weasel of a man and that's the reality of the matter. Just a strange bitter cnut that thinks he's THL oracle, no wonder he's got no mates.
  3. You've come on this thread because you're a sad little jealous cnut who thinks he knows everyone's business. You're bitterness is not wanted on here fella, it's as simple as that. You want to talk to me sort it. Now go and bore folk on another thread prick. ?
  4. Why would I want to turn myself in to you? ? You've always been an oddball, you must be 50 going on 5. Honestly you do scream out informer, you must write down everyone's business when in reality you should be worried about your own. ?
  5. It's a pity you don't have the balls to find out isn't it and never will Dorothy. You keep on miking heffa, bet you don't know whether to fcuk it or feyt it. ?
  6. A fanny still has more testosterone than thee ya yellow bellied cur. ?
  7. That's the thing Dorothy I will, I'll come and do Nan for you if you like, might end up with galloping nob rot but I'll take my chance. Heard she's got a mouth like a witch doctors necklace. I'll do anything to rid the world of the Dotty line, all culls. ?
  8. Your bollocks may drop one day Dorothy.
  9. No, I said smother scruffy old nan and then you might be able to get some before she goes cold. Now who's a horrible cnut, you got a problem with that come see me. ?
  10. You keep saying this but it ain't me who's arse has fell out numerous times when I've asked you to come see me with other folk off here who will oust you for being a cur. ??
  11. I don't think you understand where I was getting at. Is it true your wife looks like Sid James after a lifetime of battered Mars bars and Irn Bru?
  12. I wish nothing but the best for the man, I hope his funeral is splendid.
  13. I'd rather have ten strokes than be a snakey gossip like you, you're worse than Dot Cotton. ?
  14. Go and pour nan another, bye Dorothy, enjoy your mole slayer. ??
  15. Was that the benefits or the yearly earnings of a single mole? You'll be the first to know when I get a pup Dorothy don't get jealous. ?
  16. You are a sad cnut though admit, the place has been much better with out you. I told you, keep off my thread, grasses and gossips aren't welcome and you reek of being both. Bye.
  17. I was talking about you ya nupmty, do keep up Dorothy. ?
  18. He's a complete wanker who thinks he knows everyone's business off here, he doesn't even know how to catch a mole ffs and has the cheek to slate others, no wonder he was ousted from Glasgow. ?
  19. Hahahaha a fool and his money and all that. You could have got a scabby old Yorkie suffering from rigor mortis and it would handle everything you threw at it. ?
  20. I've told you to get in touch when you grow a pair, can't just keep on hunting moles in the back garden forever. You're not making sense Dotty, you on it at nans? ?
  21. No rush Dotty, see, you have to take your time and find the right dog. Them mole catchers are ten a penny, can't believe you're that much of a numpty you went all the way to Ireland for one. ?
  22. Truth hurts doesn't it Dotty. ? Stick to inviting strangers to yours for a cup of tea, you might find someone who likes you. ?
  23. You got a mirror for Christmas? ?
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