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Everything posted by Greb147

  1. Tbf I think I'm going to have to swap spots with the Whippet and Sloughi, sorry GL.
  2. Right, question for you lads, rank the sighthounds from best to worst on hares. 1. Saluki 2. Galgo 3. Greyhound 4. Magyar agar 5. Whippet 6. Sloughi 7. Deerhound 8. Borzoi 9. Afghan Hound 10. Charts off here. ?
  3. Don't be posting that Phil, I turned down a pup off one of those monsters. They look machines alright I'll give em that. ?
  4. Come on lads shake hands. At the end of the day if you don't want to travel you go for a dog that best suits the land you run, in reality you'll always find a dog that's more capable in certain conditions. As long as they are catching hares on a regular basis that's all you can ask.
  5. It was a figure of speech fella, my point was she clearly didn't have a split second to take a pic.
  6. Fcuk me GL I don't want the coordinates lol, I'm from South Yorkshire mate, as though I'm going to poach ya land. ?
  7. So where about do you go for runs? And don't say the shitter.
  8. That's what I'm saying, just doesn't look right with me.
  9. This is an big grass park, very hard to catch them in there cos it's wooded as well. The hares fly up the big hill though and pull away from the dogs up the steep incline.
  10. I'll have a trip down if ya want fella, you'll come down the A1 so can pick me up, I'll chuck a fiver in for juice. ?
  11. Speaking of ground, has anyone run hares on hilly terrain. There's a big park at Hickleton near me and the hares are very hard to catch, they motor up the hills much quicker than the dogs, that goes for 3/4 cross speed demons.
  12. Hahahahaha always a possibly Shark, just doesn't look likely with the evidence that's been presented thus far. I've always been open to the idea of the odd escapee, breeding populations of mongrelised cats, nah.
  13. Similar land to a place in my old village with less trees, it was always full of rabbit and housed a fox den. Plenty of hares on there GL?
  14. He's saying you would masturbate beside the nearest shrub if you ever saw a dog pull of such an athletic feat. ?
  15. Jaguars do end up in places they don't belong, I mean what's this video all about? A clip of a Jaguar killing a dog in Central Asia at a guess.
  16. Walshie how do you close this thing down?
  17. I seriously need to start putting my phone down and keep off here more often, that goes for many of you lot as well. But what else is a man to do? ? I'll wean myself off slowly, I'll only come on during work hours. ?
  18. Tbf it does look like it could be somewhere in India as well but that would point towards Leopard. A picture is worth a thousand words but those words could be anything if you don't have the context. ?
  19. French onion soup, lovely.
  20. I'm not that good with the trees, certainly don't look like the rainforest that's for sure.
  21. You can tell by the markings mate if you have a clear enough pic, the jaguar has spots inside the rosette markings.
  22. Where's it meant to be from? Where did you see the footage?
  23. I'd say that was a Jaguar, never seen a black Leopard with that much mass and muscle. The trees do point to leopard mind, difficult to say with a blurry pic.
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