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Everything posted by Greb147

  1. It would be interesting to hear from lads who have bred coursing dogs. @thefensarefarbutistillgowhat's your opinion, have you noticed any trends?
  2. Isn't that the same with race horses? Maybe because a stud can fcuk half of England whereas the females are limited to what they can produce? ?
  3. It is interesting, dogs are usually bigger and stronger than bitches so you think that would have an impact in the field but that doesn't seem to be the case as bitches often turn out the better hare killers out of a litter or so I've been told.
  4. I've posted the Forley Cup results and the bitches have won by some margin. I'm sure you or someone will know the results of the Derby and Waterloo? I suppose in hare coursing there's even more variables than racing, in reality you are competing against the hare.
  5. It's an interesting thought, I mean most cats you will find the male does most of it's hunting. I do wonder if females are more successful, I doubt studies like that have taken place.
  6. Isn't it funny how in humans there's a clear performance and physical difference between the sexes but it doesn't seem to be the case with dogs. I mean if dogs were the equivalent of humans, males would be much better hare coursers. There's no denying that there is physical differences between dogs and bitches from a litter but that doesn't translate in the field, interesting thoughts.
  7. Maybe some truth in that, good dog lads tend to end up with good dogs and seeing as though bitches are more valuable for obvious reasons it makes sense that the top lads keep more bitches than they do dogs?
  8. I dont think that's really the case with wolves though mate as pack members bring food to the den, the female barely leaves the den?
  9. Forley Cup 1997 = SNIPER. Runner Up = Nancy 1998 = DANCER. Runner Up = Foxy 1999 = ROXY. Runner Up = Beauty 2000 = BLONDIE. Runner Up's = Masie, Red, Peggy, Lassie, Elsie 2001 = LUCKY/FETTLE 2002 = JJ 2003 = (No Competition) 2004 = TINA. Runner Up SPLODGE 2005 = PICK. Runner Up SPLODGE and LASSIE Forley Legends 2002 = SNOWY 2003 = LOWLA 2004 = SPLODGE The evidence is damning, I wonder if it's the same with the greyhounds. I wonder why that is, I can't see any physical differences that could explain it s
  10. Absolute monsters them things, war pigs.
  11. Sounds catchy, I wouldn't mind being a penny behind one. ?
  12. Can be a pain in the ass with a GP. ? Newt time you have a flare up try and trigger piriformis pain, look on YouTube how to do it. It's less common than sciatic pain from a bulging disc but is mistaken for it.
  13. I've never had bitches, I just find them a tow and an inconvenience with the risk of coming in to season but I'm talking about their hunting capabilities here. Are they actually better hunters, if true it has to be all upstairs, maybe they are just more tuned or maybe it's just mere chance that they seem to outperform dogs on the whole in these big matches and comps.
  14. Have you had a diagnosis, is it sciatica caused by a bulging disc or is it piriformis syndrome?
  15. One here for you, I know a lot of the lads who have matched and ran in competitions say that they prefer bitches and it's true, bitches seem to win more than dogs but is it just luck of the draw or is there any weight behind the theory? I wonder if in Greyhound racing bitches have a higher winning percentage, if true why do you think that's the case. I know Don Southered brought up big cats as an example of the females doing most of the hunting, well Don, dogs aren't big cats and don't hunt the same.
  16. I get what you're saying mate, I don't see why lurcher lads should stand beside the very cnuts that will stab you in the back to help keep the heat off them.
  17. Isn't there a petition or anything?
  18. What's the odds of it not getting passed, slim to none?
  19. I've just done exactly that and the closest match I could find is a Black Leopard at Kabini Lodge.
  20. I've done all that, get yourself a Google phone like this, on the camera app theirs Lensz which is an amazing little app. I used the app on Mackems picture and it drew a blank.
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