Not now you've said that. Lol
Gonna give one of them Garratt's a bash, struggling to find the 250 though.
You know of any good online shops that sells them?
What's the differences though, they either pick something up or they don't surley?
I get what you're saying though, it's the same with any tech isn't it.
I'm a b*****d for hating compromise, when I buy something that's not a premium model I have that uneasy feeling that I'm missing out on potential.
I've been the odd time when I was a kid.
All I was bothered about was seeing how far I could cast out.
Lad who I travel with to work has got thousands of pounds worth of kit, feck that.. ?
What's the law regarding it all, if you find certain amounts of certain gear you have got to hand it in?
He told me museum's are robbing cnuts and dishonest. ?
That's the ones, he just found some Lizzie's. They're fairly common aren't they, still, a great piece of history.
I've just messaged him now to send me some pics but he's the one who's caught Covid, he's in bed fcuked, says he'll do it tomorrow.
He's in a good place up near Carlisle for all that, still, like dogging, I bet the place has been hammered.
Still, he is still finding regularly when out.
I bet there's some good finds to be had on the Thames.