Yes mate, will take it with me now and again.
Still, there's endless opportunity to become a proper nerd, historical books of the UK, old maps if possible, LIDAR, etc.
Just got the doubts that someone as been there, done it and bought the wardrobe.
I'd always assumed they were just like a CAT scanner but for treasure, they don't work if you're static unless you're pinpointing from what I made out.
The options are endless where to go but surely if you have thought of a spot or an idea it's already been thought of a hundred times.
I suppose part of the excitement is the what if.
What gets me, how do folk often find things when they go detecting, I mean I should imagine almost every square foot of England that's accessible has been detected, what's crack here like?
Absolutely pathetic, when pulled on it he bleats on about trespass cos a pair of muddy boots is going to cause havoc and destruction ain't it Sargent Cockwomble.