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Everything posted by Greb147

  1. Tbf it's been more frosty down near Nottingham than here in the morning, been nice up here today with sun out.
  2. Starting to plough near me, advantage to dog. ? I have seen a video of them boxing already.
  3. Come on @mC HULLare we getting out, they're making a mess of these fields, you're after all the advantages. ?
  4. But to these b*****ds covid is priority number one, I mean you see about it and hear about it every other second, be that on the news or on the radio. Hospitals are a sham, you've got people having to get a taxi when they're suffering from a heart attack ffs. It wouldn't be be so bad if it wasn't dammed down our throats at every opportunity and the fact that it will be used as a scapegoat whilst the Tory cnuts bleed us dry.
  5. What about the thousands that have been fined whilst that cnut was making a fool of everybody? He should be leading by example not making a mockery of it, the buffoon needs to go.
  6. Do you actually need to master the tones, don't some detectors have numbers that go along with the tones?
  7. How come you didn't pick the black n tan, I like em.
  8. I thought you kept a black n tan or am I thinking of somebody else. ?
  9. Bet their feet and joints take a right pounding, just left em for dead.
  10. That little cnut is shifting, what you reckon @mC HULLRomeo Jr no problemo?
  11. Crossing with them jealous cnuts, no thanks.
  12. Tbh mate I'm used to stubborn dogs, can't get more stubborn than the cnut I've got now. ?
  13. Placing votes on a party that won't ever see the light of day is just a wasted vote IMO.
  14. Fcuk me mC I hope I'm not spending the day chasing your dog all over the shop.
  15. Wished it had been a saluki cos it would have been a sword.
  16. I've seen the hares are at it already boxing, must be having it too easy with these saluki types. ?
  17. Who do you get to value em, I mean the bloke who I work with knows folk but I trust him as far as I could throw him. ?
  18. Where did folk say the best strains come from, Saudi and Iran?
  19. Nice, ordered a Vanquish 340, I'll see what I can find.
  20. 400k for being puddings, bet they were all over FB giving it the big one without the brains to get a good accountant like Mackem said.
  21. Very runnable here, sprinting all ova the shop to get mi cockles waaarm. ?
  22. Try em with some scrambled egg and toast.
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