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Everything posted by Greb147

  1. Have you ever considered letting the dog off the lead so it can actually chase something you utter tool of a man lol.
  2. Chill out Benjamin Franklin! ? I thought slavery was abolished..
  3. So you'd catch a fugitive African no problem then? Do they work well when animals are in thick cover?
  4. Hahahaha tha a diamond like my mate, he thinks his dogs marking when it's having a piss and shit. ?
  5. Lean summat new everyday, thought there must be a reason for all the settings cos black stands out much better to my eyes.
  6. In this day and age invaluable when you come to think of it. Still, the way it's ending up it would kill me having that taken off me as well as my dog.
  7. I'm like that mate, I say my pecker is only 7 when it's 8. Inch that is and not mil. ?
  8. Just read up on em and they say a range of 1200mtr, handy bit of kit then.
  9. Yeah just seen it, black with the white background is head and shoulders better than the rest to my eyes. Why would you change that setting, does it depending on the ambient lighting or doesn't the sun affect things?
  10. @mC HULLand @SheepChaser how come this is giving off a different color to yours, can the colours be changed or are they set?
  11. What's the range on them, in a way I'd hate one cos it reminds me of the PlayStation generation where everything is too easy but I can understand now why folk want to use them, saves a lot of time and walking the land needlessly I suppose.
  12. Is that your pulsar spotter? So they can record footage as well?
  13. Isn't it Roe Deer that breed in the summer but hold off from having their young in the winter until the following spring/early summer?
  14. I'm not sure which side of the fence you're sitting on lol.
  15. Come on the Ramsey when do you think folk should run hares, if you're not giving them respect in December and January when are you exactly giving them respect? Lol
  16. What's remarkable about it mate? Lol. Beeding in December/January is not the norm thankfully even though it clearly does happen in some cases. You are talking about respect but how can you give them more respect, by not running them at all? If you shouldn't run them in December/January then when are you meant to run them? The hares are at their strongest in the winter months and that's when it's the most sporting.
  17. What are we arguing about here ffs. If someone happens to catch a milky doe that's her problem for bending over so soon, remember, dogs only catch the thick and the weak.
  18. We are arguing about rubbish, both are right in a way as they have been known to have young early but it's like this, if you're not going to run em in January then when the hell are you supposed to run em. Chances are this time of year you're running them at their best.
  19. Don't you think that's down to the climate and the fields mate, if you have a warm back and good grub then it makes sense to have young?
  20. I'm not going to lie, I've sub-adults before and they can put up a good course, would never slip a dog on a proper babi though. Don't forget this is with 3/4 crosses so not out and out hare dogs, when you start hitting winter though it's clear the hares step it up a gear, just different gravy.
  21. I've seen a video of hares boxing a few week ago but I'd say it's down to the region and it's climate. It makes sense to have young when it's warm and dry, if that wasn't the case then they'd just have young all year round like us. Tbf given that they have been seen boxing in January one could argue that they do breed all year round. If that's the case then when are you supposed to run em lol, anyway I've seen 3/4 leverets put up a better run than full grown hares.
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