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Fox dog

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Everything posted by Fox dog

  1. Heaven on earth right there
  2. While on topic yellow and green pieps box not bringing me straight down on top of dog anyone had the issue ? I'm not far out but not on top of dog at say 1.2 thereabouts
  3. They are dangerous enough,I have one here it's not holding a charge I've charged it twice get a half hour out if it so I'm not chancing it going back to a lightforce just need a decent battery set up I'm done with hardship lol
  4. I've had one of those led ones s mate also had one he never charged or used over the summer,charged up before season last year and it went off like two barrels of a shot gun,set fire to the curtains and left a fog of smoke and stink in the kitchen,what battery would u recommend with the 240 blitz
  5. Need a lamp lads had used striker previously, what's pros and cons of above cheers
  6. The bitch here must be 13 now on the way out,she's just no bothers that's why she's there,and served well
  7. Pups or future litters,I've one old bitch here now too old to breed from
  8. Any full beagles about?anyone hunting beagles
  9. Any full beagles about?
  10. Hennessys or jameson hard to beat
  11. Put him away and cross too decent bitches take a pup outta each and future proof yourself, use the dog to bring on the pups,
  12. Eddie prime the flask it works a treat see above post
  13. Since when is in the van banned text lol
  14. Do ye know there's a secret to getting that water to stay scalding for long you prime the flask,boil a kettle fill the flask put lid on it,refill your kettle, give it two mins and boil your kettle,just before the kettle boils tip out your flask and refill,I put hot water in mine on a Friday morning 7am,I opened and 10am and 1pm to make tea,the flask was left until Monday morning 7am [BANNED TEXT] I tipped it out and was like warm,absolutely brilliant flask I wouldn't go past the stanely flask
  15. It's what they want, us to argue among ourselves while they unload the boats,the circus keeps us occupied while they do as they please
  16. I would like to add we are all more than likely being watched traced and opinions constantly monitored your best to work in the shadows lads,
  17. Different fractions of ra lad,the sf sellout s lol,don't forget about other movements,started with a split SF AND RSF many years ago,
  18. Take one small lesson from here Eddie B was quick with his opinion, I followed suit,before long we seem to be on the same page,governments are dividing and conquering, after a few words between us we've seemed to be at reason,together united,only way forward lads,like I said no matter what protest there's always undesirables,look at 1916 rising,shops looted,that wasn't part of the rising but shit happens,you can't let a propaganda machine push its agenda and label unrest as pure scum even though there is a scummy element as its everywhere, starting with the boys in suits,1916 there was a war o
  19. Should been hung drawn and quartered
  20. Fair enough Eddie,look my thoughts would be action outside the Dail outside government officials homes,wrecking shops looting that's a no but there's always a certain amount of undesireables in any group be it hunting protesting or rioting
  21. Palestine ira Irish very similar struggle that's the connection there
  22. Sell outs unfortunately its turned into a pension scheme for them
  23. I think it's basically hitvthe economy the government will be spending to replace rather than mattresses for camel jockeys
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