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About Pops

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  1. some dogs catch (lug) & some bay (bail). i wouldn't expect a collie to catch, but i would expect it to run on & find another. same w/ the heeler. the brindle bulldog needs to go be some ladies lap dog, cause it ain't worth feeding much less taking into the woods.
  2. our native small game is on extended depression cycles because raptors are over populated & it is illegal to cull them, and the fur market is in the crapper so mammalian predators are also booming.i think in limited plantings they could help take the heat off the native cottontails. the cottontails have similar prolifacy but because they don't warren they have somewhat higher mortality. in the few places where european rabbits have been released in the USA they haven't exploded in numbers like in Oz. they sustain a little better than cottontails but that's it. the problem i have had is fin
  3. i am considering planting european rabbits in the USA. i know the cottontail rabbits here are on 7-9 year cycles (from high population to low population to high again). I was wondering what the population cycle is for european rabbits?
  4. sounds like the beginning of a good dog
  5. rat terrier & basenji. according to the few american terrier men that have wide experience to make the call, they are softer and less driven than a good british breed.
  6. I don't hunt hounds, i prefer curs. i just don't like the hours & hours of running involved w/ most hounds. also in a lot of places i've lived before the land was carved up into a lot of small parcels so the dogs would have been "trespassing" a lot. in Texas this will get most hounds shot. the Majestic is a slow track straddling dog. if your fox run like Texas hogs, the majestic will never see it. but if you plan to shoot the fox in front of the dogs they may work for you. i can't imagine they don't have some good foxhounds in Eire, what exactly are you looking for the dog to do differen
  7. turkish if you are okay w/ a cross you might want to look into Majestic hounds from the USA. they are bloodhoundXcoonhound. theoretically they run better & longer than pure bloods and have better hunting instincts due to working coonhounds being put over the less commonly worked bloods. http://home.mindspri...morrow/id1.html ETA there are lines of coldnosed bobcat & lion hound in the western USA that will run a track as old or older than any bloodhound and run it faster & longer. oh and they don't have super long ears and jowls.
  8. as i've already stated several breeds have killed bobs. and a 30# bob WILL kick the crap out of a 40-50# canadian lynx. can't speak for the toughness of eurasian lynx. but any dog that can killa 30# bob by itself is sufficient to kill most canadian lynx.
  9. just like anything some good some bad. but all in all a good one is way more useful than a good APBT. contrary to what you hear from bulldog guys, when it comes to holding a big bad boar there is no replacement for displacement. a good dogo will stop and hold a hog that will run off w/ a pair of pit bulldogs hanging. unfortunately because of the looks, AT LEAST 3/4 of dogos in the world are bred for looks and won't work worth a crap as anything but a walked in catchdog and maybe half won't even do that well. two of the 3 best catchdogs i've ever seen were dogos and size wqas a big factor in th
  10. keep in mind that once the catch dog catches, the baying dogs will take hold as well. breeds that i KNOW have caught & killed american bobcats (smaller but WAY more aggressive than canadian lynx) one out: catahoula, blackmouth cur, english coonhound (53# dog killed a 42# cat and lived to catch more), plott, bluetick coonhound, treeing walker coonhound, running walker foxhound, american staghound, american coldblood greyhound, APBT, patterdale (in a hole), pitXpat (also in a hole). when i say one out the killing was done by one dog even though other dogs may have been involved in the chase.
  11. whin some of my best Marines had that blood in them & there's alledgedly a bit in my veins as well (don't care enough to try to get the adoption records unsealed). true some don't give a rats @$$, but still plenty that will cut you for calling them that. you're probably right that they cut you slack for your accent. I'm sure i'd get an earful if i called them apache. Dave & Dutch are good people. Daves forgotten more than i have time left to learn. my first running dog was going to a pup from Dutch's Phoeboe bitch but her uterus ruptured. he hooked me up w/ Ann from Columbus. GOOD pe
  12. i think he meant antelope jack it's the third species of jack only found in AZ deserts and down into Mexico. biggest & alledgedly the slowest of the jacks here. although back in the day, before any of us here were born, folks used to catch pronghorn antelope w/ long dogs. Whin the proper name is N'Dene, Apache is a name given by their enemies and is still insulting to them. Oh and the US Army did eventually defeat them. great read sounds like a blast.
  13. what it's got to do w/ is that slagging on what someone else does, feeds the antis fires and gives them ammunition for their fight to ban ALL dogging & ALL hunting. and it's got to do with the dumbass mindset that there is only one right way to engage in sport. if you (general you not anyone in particular) don't like the way someone does their thing then don't do it that way. if you think it's unethical, tell them privately. BUT don't splash shite all over the net for unwanted eyes.
  14. i think anyone that is slagging how another fella works his dog is a friend of the antis, whether he means to be or not he is. the biggest threat to ALL dogging in the USA are the deer shooters. the vast majority of them sit in trees or heated boxes within 100M of where they parked their truck or SUV. they tote 10 pound rifles w/ 20X scopes that shoot wondermagnum cartridges. they think they are awesome shots because they can hit 4 of 5 shots on a pie tin at 50-100M. they put out piles of corn (maize) starting a week before the season. they gut shoot 3 or 4 for every one they recover. they ta
  15. for those that asked, you can legally hunt deer with dogs in at least some part of 13 states. you can run fox &/or coyote in at least 45 states.
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