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About Mandello

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  1. This is the best response ive seen thus far should one be questioned.Wonder if I can apply it to fishing too.
  2. Practicing target shooting in the garden. Doing DIY and hoping my son goes to sleep early so I can escape upstairs and hunt rats in my garden. Desperate to join a gun club as I am new to this and really want to improve my shooting beyond the boundaries of my garden.
  3. Hi all, just wanted to introduce myself. Joined the forum primarily for the airgun side at the moment. Bought my 1st gun a Stoeger X20 S2 .22 and then we were locked down so only had the opportunity to use it in the garden. Luckily garden is a decent size so fine for target shooting upto around 30+ yds. Plus theres at least one rat snooping around my decking lately. Put some bread out and went upstairs and before i had time to load and aim the rat was out and dragging the bread back under the decking!! Figure now is the best time to do some studying of past posts and get some practice in
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