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Everything posted by kristian

  1. Good luck with the sale mate. I used to have a grifter xl was the black and red one used to think it was the dogs bollx i was only small and it weighed a ton. Good times
  2. Plumbing work is really quiet at the moment the same as building work. Things are starting to pick up but really slowly. Good luck mate, Its not a bad job once your in. I've been doing it on and off for about 15yrs and enjoy it when theres work about but been on 1 day a week for the last couple of months. Fingers crossed things will pick up very soon. All the best, Kristian.
  3. chudleys is that dog food mate? No mate ferret food! i get it from harvesters on bridgend ind est. down the bottom of north road. really good prices mate
  4. if you need a hand i'll be happy to assist
  5. big 15kg bag of chudleys £14.99 lasts forever as i feed rabbits and squidgy's whenever i get them. Just skinned and chopped 2 rabbits up ready for cooking so they have had the heads to munch on they love it started them on jwb but was to expensive with the 4 ferrets!
  6. When mine got out i left the shed door open enough for him to fit through then just as i was about to go bed i went to check and she was sitting next to the hutch thought i'd lost her she was gone for hours up on the mountain behind my shed.
  7. kristian

    WHY ???

    I've always wondered what this was but always felt to stupid to ask
  8. just managing to ride the storm so far and was made redundant about a week ago but at the moment am working my notice but fingers crossed things are going to pick up soon and i'll be back in a job (fingers crossed). Have been working 1 and sometimes 2 days a week for the last 2 months but loving the time off lol.
  9. funny enough i took my dog up the mountain by my house last weekend and there is so much rubbish there it is unreal! cans everywhere all from kids camping!! they think because it's out of the way they can leave their rubbish there I will clean it up when i got time my daughters said they'd help as they also thought it was disgusting.
  10. If the bottle was tested mate i would but not for an out of test bottle mate.
  11. anymore? I found a thread the other day with a few samples on it but i'll be ferked if i can find it now? someone must have some saved on pc!
  12. Thanks for that mate, Thats a nice simple one. Cheers
  13. I had the console off someone on here in a deal with a gun, he wanted £200 for the xbox. Anyway i've tried it out and i prefer my ps3 thought i'd give it a go because everyone says they are better than the ps3 but i think the ps3 is better (my opinion) i know alot will disagree lol.Just wondering if anyone has anything interesting to swap for it? I'm after a filling bottle for my s410 prefably a 7ltr but will consider offers of anything that maybe of interest to me! try me? you may have something i want lol. Have tried emailing the guy selling a crossbow on here but no reply . Anyway guys an
  14. Hi all just wondering if anyone has any permission slips they wouldn't mind sharing! I've recently gained some permission but have nothing written down so would like to get some slips printed off to get them signed just incase! Better safe than sorry. I use an air rifle, ferrets and dogs. Any help greatly appreciated
  15. i'm fairly new to ferrets but i would say that the problem with sand would be that the ferrets would probably use it as a toilet? maybe wrong but it's worth a try nothing to loose!
  16. Mate could you put some pics up please!
  17. Would you be interested in a swap for a xbox 360 halo 3 limited edition console 2 wireless controllers and 6 games? I'm looking to swap it for a filling bottle but will do a deal for the crossbow if you like? Send me a pm if interested! Cheers, Kristian.
  18. Emailed them and they don't sell them any more :-( [/font][/size]
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