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Everything posted by kristian

  1. john i have a female ferret called john she was a stray found in john's shop so now she's called john
  2. fecking brilliant aye! http://www.asylum.co.uk/2009/10/07/thugs-p...-cage-fighters/
  3. Why not get a proper games console like a ps3 and play call of duty so much better!
  4. Why would you take a dog like that? it looks a cracker of a dog but i smell a rat?
  5. I like him pity it's not a bitch, i would have been interested. Just curious why you selling? Good luck with the sale anyway and hope it makes someone a cracking dog.
  6. That must be easy money for them lol, someone was telling me the other day that when they were in training with the enviromental team they would have to walk around and when they seen people smoking they'd have to follow them and wait to see what they done with the ciggy shocking really!
  7. I'd be interested in seeing this cross too. I'm gonna be getting my first lurcher soon and want to make sure i make the right choice
  8. Do you have an address mate? pay him a visit! all i seem to be reading about these days is people being ripped off. He says he's had his pc seized for unknown reason? i think we all know the reason why police mostly take peoples pc's, Maybe your dealing with more than a theif?
  9. Now then i know for a fact a few people have watched it so add your thoughts! interestingly strange maybe?
  10. Any one who admited to watching it think the guy who was going out on the pull was funny?
  11. lol told you it was addictive
  12. Check out the comments on it aswell! seems theres a few strange people about? I probably wouldn't have watched the lot on my own but my missus was watching it and i just found myself being intrigued lol i suppose it's like big brother lol
  13. my missus was watching this on youtube the other day and after giving her a lecture on the rubbish/timewasting things she watches i somehow got into watching the whole thing with her? i'm not proud of it but here it is. P.s. sorry to anyone who gets roped in and wastes 25mins of their life
  14. Welcome aboard fellow staffy owner plenty of welsh on here now! enjoy mate and take no notice of the grumpy barstewards (theres a few on here lol) Atb, Kristian.
  15. kristian


    Brilliant thread bigdan lol total waste of space If someone likes the look of someone elses dog why can't they say it? It's an internet forum? It's better than the bickering that goes on. But with a name like bigdan i'm not argueing with you
  16. Welcome to the site mate, Good to see another welsh member. What part of Wales? Atb, Kristian
  17. lol you know what tickles me is how people come across stuff like this?
  18. Which one did you buy? i just ordered another one from dx just for reading lol
  19. A young inocent boy has died and thoughts go out to his family. Hope this makes people think who don't lock their guns away! No matter who's at fault a young boys life is gone!
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