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Everything posted by kristian

  1. Have a search on net under hpi as i found one for my mate the other day when he went to view a car. It was a text number and i think it cost him about £3 ish he text the plate and got a reply in minutes. Don't know if it works on motox bikes though you'd have to check first? Atb Kristian.
  2. nice one guys! tempted to bring my ferrets down for some execise lol any of that black piping spare? Keep up the good work atb Kristian.
  3. kristian


    You only have to read the thread on the eagle that died to see what numpties they are! I always looked up to the asspca when i were a lad but now i wouldn't give them the skin of my shit! Watch the video on the eagle thread mate and you'll see what i mean. They want to do good and they believe they are doing good but a lot of good inocent animals have died due to their incompetence!
  4. sorry i fecked up this is the one i went for the buffet http://www.pizzahut.co.uk/restaurants/menu...ight-lunch.aspx £6.49 gone up a bit but still worth it if your starving
  5. I went to 1 a long time ago and i have to be honest it was brilliant value! make sure when you go your starving cause you can keep getting up and filling your plate with pizza so you can get your moneys worth lol. I'm sure it wasa fiver when i went so £4 is even better
  6. good effort mate! i'd like to be able to make my own but i think my patience would let me down lol.
  7. Sickening! it's a fecking disgrace. I mean who the hell informed the police in the first place? he'd informed the relevant people by the sounds of it! some interfering do gooding twat i expect who just made things worse. I hope whoever did inform the police has a very guilty concience.
  8. kristian


    The ultimate K9 in my eyes! I bet it wouldn't make the papers though lol
  9. kristian


    Really, I sit there on a wall covered in graffiti with a bottle of White lightening looking at a bleedin' great Mosque thinking how the F*ck did things ever get this bad . I'm living in the wrong part of the country by the sounds of things. brilliant! next time i feel down and i'm sitting on my rock i'll think of you and it'll make me smile lol
  10. well done guys you did better than us we had 1 lol
  11. check this mate? http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...p;#entry1282722
  12. really hope this is the owner http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...howtopic=123204 fingers crossed
  13. someone had pat pups stolen last week on here!!!!!!!!!!! will have a look for thread now!
  14. kristian


    Take my dog out up on the mountain i live on with a beer and sit on my favourite rock swiging the beer! Just looking out over the valley thinking things could always be worse
  15. who poots there hand over the end of the barrel of a loaded gun anyway, safety or not! He doesn't even know why he done it himself lol i've just sold the gun for him though for £300 he wanted rid lol (i think his missus made him sell it ) good thing come of it though he sold me his brand new deben tracer and red filter for £50 still in the box
  16. Cheers Justin I think i'm gonna have to put some posters up because no one claiming these ferrets the little jill has stopped biting now and she looks a little cracker she's tiny. Don't know what i'm gonna do with her and the other one if no one claims them? aw well i'll cross that bridge when i come to it Time to get some posters done for the local petshop i think!
  17. no.1 the blueing is pretty poor i thought! no.2 the safety on them is shite my mate shot himself in the hand last week (don't know how he managed that) he's now gone back to fishing no.3 i've never had a problem with the indexer? lol thats my input and all in all i would not have any other gun. apart from the saftey catch issue it's an awesome gun absolutley spot on.
  18. i think this is an amazing bit of filming! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XafAdkZIYKA...feature=related fanbloodytastic
  19. Surely if people just stop ripping up farmers feilds in 4x4s and mowing their fences down then there wouldn't be so much attention brought to it? If i ever went poaching you wouldn't notice i'd been there.
  20. just come across this one to on the same page!
  21. well done mate if it gets to much for you then give us a shout we'll happily work it for you Atb Kristian.
  22. Don't know how old you are but i know someone who done a similar thing to this and ended up losing all their family credit due to earning to much! it's not worth the risks. At the end of the day it's fraud and can get you in deep shit! Think about what your doing and how it may affect you in the future
  23. Cheers for that but looks like i've missed 25mins of it
  24. Just had a knock on the door and a couple of little kids asking did i keep ferrets so when i asked why they said they've seen a ferret down a drain and thought it may be mine. I'd only just locked my ferrets in for the night so i knew it wern't mine. I couldn't just leave it there so i said i'd go take a look and when i got there it had gone, so after a couple of calls out comes this ferret charging me as if it was a lion charging a wilderbeast anyway manage to get it into a ferret box and put it in my spare cage. I've put some food in for it and it can't eat it fast enough. So just wondering
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