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Everything posted by kristian

  1. i hope the scum bag who took her gets battered in jail f*****g scumbag brilliant news though!
  2. where can i watch the fight tonight online? there must be somewhere? come on guys help me out!
  3. f*****g brilliant! both matches i bet on i won yipee! well done scotland
  4. I recon you'd be better off going fishing mate pmsl this one cracked me up! well done it's classic
  5. you got a face like a pitbull licking the piss off a stingy nettle
  6. Why don't you become an Anti Pigeon? You could go around to their meets, and slip ferrets into the crates of pigeons when their backs are turned. good post just got to get me some ferrets now lol
  7. whats the last sentence supposed to mean? the funny thing is i didn't know this guy from adam and he's telling me how they wipe nests out? he'd been keeping pigeons for 40 years and was telling me about all the hard work that went into them so i could kind of see his point but i was still gobsmaked when he was telling me! all i can say is thank f**k pigeon racing is a dying sport
  8. Was chatting to a old guy i met the other day and i was asking him if he'd ever lost any birds to birds of prey! he was telling me how he regularly loses birds while he's training them, i couldn't beleive it when he started telling me about how they combat it He was telling me how a couple of the younger boys go over to belgium to get a special paste (obviously illegal here) and then they put this on the back of one of their crap pigeons neck and cut it's tags off and release it in the forest nearby then when a birds kills it and takes the meat back to the nest it wipes the whole nest out
  9. kristian

    Red Kites

    quite a few pairs over with us and increasing every year they are an amazing bird! Went to gigrin farm last year and it was a totally unreal site you have to see it to believe it awesome
  10. I live in Bridgend, well actually one of the surrounding valleys and a couple of the suicides have been very close to home! one a few doors from me and one in a street in front of me having a teenage son myself this is a very worrying time for any parent. The media keep saying theres no link yet nearly all are members of bebo and a lot are friends. My missus went on one of the bebo pages of one of the young girls that had died and there was things posted on there like "hope your partying up there and have met up with the others" wtf! I've worked in different parts of the country and i can
  11. sorry try these http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=002 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=007 it was going to be this but fixed lens good price though! http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fuji-FinePix-S9600...ef=cm_cd_f_pb_i looks like it going to be one of the top 2 looking at spending around £200-£300
  12. been looking to get a new camera and have been looking at new and second hand found this cheap and new but been put off by the fixed lens http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fuji-FinePix...f=cm_cd_f_pb_i think it's down to one of these now what you guys think? or any others you maybe able to recomend! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.d...MEWA:IT&ih=002 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-OLYMPUS-E-...QQcmdZViewItem
  13. Thanks for the replies everyone! had the laptop from comet. Don't think theres any photos on there as they are all still on this pc (not saved on here either ) tried the safe mode thing but still goes back to original screen don't think i had a recovery disc with it? if i did my missus must have thrown that out with the box along with the reciept looks like i'm going to have to take it to be repaired
  14. bought a laptop a couple of months ago a acer aspire 3694 and it was working perfectly until the other day i turned it on and it said 1. repair fault on start up 2. start windows normally? whichever i press it just goes back to the same screen. Nothing happens basically! i've tried to find the reciept but think my missus has thrown it out anyone know what it could be? would have great pleasure in stamping on it and throwing it at a wall but missus is not to happy with that sugestion any help would be appreciated
  15. sorry to hear that mate, he looked like a nice big dog.
  16. just thought this would be a perfect vid for the thread
  17. nice dog in your avatar apollo
  18. kids aye! i remember shooting a crow on next doors chimney and it came down got caught on the gutter and the blood was dripping onto the back door was probably about 12 at the time looking back now is funny but it wasn't at the time
  19. it is a sad state with people (all types) these days who just don't want to work, people blame the parents but it's not always the case. I do a lot of work on council properties and the amount of people who won't let us in at 8am to do work is quite shocking! i'm not taring all council tenants with the same brush as there are a lot who are brilliant but the amount of scumbags who just sit around all day cause they get everything paid for is annoying just an example was doing a job the other day (i'm a plumber with council contracts) and the guy was playing balls on the phone to the council a
  20. kristian

    youre job

    heating engineer, that always makes me laugh(the engineer bit) im a heating installer/plumber. heating systems are straight forward dont understand why some plumbers call them selves engineers we dont engineer anything Are you Domestic or Commercial lol I think domestic lol i was going to write plumber but my job description is heating engineer? your right about the engineering bit though but there again my boss can call me what he wants as long as he keeps paying me my £1000+ a week
  21. my other hobbies are trials bike and mountain bike. usually the trials bike these days cause i'm to lazy to pedal
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