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Everything posted by kristian

  1. Anyone got this yet? am slightly addicted to cod 4 at the moment and just wondering is 5 worth getting? I know it's sad but it's amazing! Just take a look - http://www.callofduty.com/reconnaissance/videos#231 if anyones on ps3 pm me for username and add me!
  2. JOE is a legend well done to the welsh boy
  3. anybody know what time the fight is actually scheduled to be on?2,3,4,5,6? someone must know?
  4. Air Arms Pro sport my bro has one it's a really nice gun (for a springer)
  5. kristian

    ross kemp

    This has to be the best one for ross kemp! absolute class! it gonna be bezerk http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=e2_P5Aq8aB0
  6. Mines head on into a car on a motobike! ended up trapped under the car with some stupid woman driver shouting at me trying to get my insurance details broke my 2 bones in my leg and ankle and toes as well as splitting my ankle open. I remember shouting to the nurses in the hospital to just shoot me as i was in to much pain lol and they were saying sorry we don't have any guns
  7. cracking looking dogs! love the plummers. some really good pics there
  8. ade33uk are you one of ferrets (gary from skewen) mates? just wondering cause he is no longer on here? comes up on my pm as no longer a member?
  9. try bbc iplayer? was on there last time it was shown on tv!
  10. does anyone know if this is a repeat of whats already been on over the last month?
  11. Firstly cheers to Justin off here and my bro (timjim) for taking me out ferreting today. It's the first time i've ever been out with the ferrets, I usually only shoot though i have been out with the dogs a few times. Anyway, got to the permission around 9:30 this morning we had 2 ferrets (1 hob 1 jill) my mates (Justins) jrt and also my bro's lurcher pup with us. My bro's lurcher hasn't been around ferrets before so we were abit nervous about how she'd react with them. We walked up through the first field and came across the first set of holes so netted them up and put the hob down but nothing
  12. kristian

    What Books

    Hope this helps mate! http://www.darcybooks.com/publications.html
  13. Received mine this morning! think i'm going to get my missus to pay for it and keep it for me for xmas though cause i'm only half way through little dogs with big hearts Cheers darcy
  14. Has to be the aa feild but i do use the accupels in all my other guns as they are very good!
  15. well done for getting it back online! Theres always going to be people who don't see eye to eye and this is just part of life but some people i've noticed just wind other people up on purpose. I've seen some clicky groups on here but there are a hell of a lot of good people on here that far out weigh the bad. I've learnt a lot off here in the last year that i've been a member also met alot of tidy people so lets hope everyone can act like grown ups and agree to disagree on things they don't agree on (i'm confused myself lol) Anyway heres to the best hunting forum online I look forward to l
  16. What needs to be done is battery straight out of it otherwise it shorts the circuit and kills the phone. If the battery is taken out quickly it can be dried and it should work again but otherwise it's time to get another i'm afraid
  17. If you hunt near mc donalds you can take a laptop and pick up they free wireless
  18. kristian


    Yes but it's not just the point of who it is it's why was he banned? i'm a member on a good few forums and although i'm new to hunting i can see that theres a click on here! It seems if your not in with the right people you don't have much hope?
  19. kristian


    is this site going downhill fast? i don't know markbrick but enjoyed reading his posts being fairly new i like to read and learn and as far as i read he was good at teaching and sharing info! lets start a get mark back protest
  20. You missed one today mate was a fairly big one at the end of my street this morning! don't know how you find out about where they are though?
  21. Just ordered mine all paid for just need to hide it from my missus now cause i'm spending far to much money lately
  22. Fair play maltenby this cracked me up! genius i wouldn't worry to much about it mate we all have bad days! ( i'm still giggling at maltenby's post, brilliant !
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