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Everything posted by kristian

  1. Any one got a link so i can watch the fight?
  2. cheers timelord had that site off you in the past contacted them but they no longer do the grip for the eb22 do you know anywhere else i could try?
  3. kristian

    t reg car

    i used to have a t reg golf that was 99 hope that helps
  4. Ye the one that brought the collar , oh sorry i thought you said tossa class, the dog looks a nice dog but that collar is shocking should be done for cruelty to animals!
  5. I've got a Sheridan benjamin eb22 and it has the standard pistol grip fitted and i'm wondering if anyone can tell me where i can purchase a nice walnut or similar wood grip? if anyone has one they want to sell or is interested in doing a part ex on a standard one let me know. I've been looking for a while but can't find them anywhere?
  6. I been thinking about using my chimney sweep rods as they are stored in a tube that you can carry on your back but i've never taken them out as what me and my bro do is one wait at the bottom of the tree and the other one climb it then give it a good shake the last one i did though i was shaking the tree looking to see if anything was coming out and i swear to god the squidggy jumped from the nest onto my head then off onto another tree and i shit myself my bro found it quite funny though lol
  7. Haven't been buying the countrymans weekly much lately but will buy it tomorrow just for a read! where do the ass-pca get the info from that these should be added to the dangerous dogs act??????? are they really nasty cause their legs are a little longer than a show staff? i think not! f*****g numptys!
  8. kristian


    I've just past my gas course today acs 1-5 boilers and fires thats it for another 5 years now can breath again, hardest exam of my life wouldn't recomend it to anyone think i'll find a different career in the next 4 1/2 - 5yrs so i never have to go through it again any plumbers on here done it?
  9. kristian


    I'm a Plumber (heating engineer) I install a full heating system per day (me and 2 mates) Hard work money is very good if you can do 1 a day!! Only working 3 days a week at the mo, so hopefully things will pick up soon.
  10. Bet your pulling your hair out lol! What was up with your knee mate? I'm a plumber and suffer with my knees really badly! i have private health care and have been to see about getting them sorted but he said theres a 50/50 chance he'll be able to sort um? don't know if it's worth it i'm 35, really don't know whether to have it done or not? whats your opinion on getting them done?
  11. Don't know if any of you ever seen it but there was a rottie stuffed (taxidermied) for sale on ebay for sale last year and i've seen a pitbull head for sale on there
  12. you got to laugh at them though they are always scruffy hippy types in they! get a job and get a life they wanna, i got a mate who's anti hunting and i always wind him up. I just tell him you do your thing and i do mine be boring if we were all the same!
  13. kristian

    Blonde joke

    another! A guy walks up and starts chatting to a blonde girl in a bar and says do you want me to tell you a blonde joke? The woman replies well she said i'm blonde and i'm a karate expert and my friend sitting there is blonde and she's a cage fighter and my other friend sitting there is also blonde and she's a body builder! so do you still want to tell us the joke the blonde smirks The guy says well if i got to tell you the joke 3 times then so be it
  14. Whats up bro to good for me now are you lol I'm on ps3 to name titchyboybach mostly playing on cod5 at the mo but got cod4 which i think is a better game but i've lent it to a frend anyone wants to add me feel free put thl in the message
  15. Forgot to mention it's .22 has a 10 shot mag and a single shot mag. i just want everyone to know it's not actually for sale yet i just want to know what it's worth before i consider putting it for sale! may keep it as a second gun if it's not worth selling.
  16. Just wondering what a bsa s10 is worth? I've got one which i don't use that has a set of scopes on it (hawke x40's) and a gun bag. I haven't used this gun for months as i bought this around the same time as buying my airarms s410 (which i definately won't sell) The thing is i now have 4 guns but i only actually use 1 lol. If someone could give me an idea on what it's worth i'd be grateful. if i's not worth anything much i will keep it but thought i'd test the water. Cheers. edited to say condition is pretty good maybe a few marks
  17. I got a fox caller ringtone on my phone and it works a treat! Only thing is you need to hide the light on the screen! cheap as chips
  18. Well said mad al! i've noticed theres some people who can put any shit up on a thread and there's the same select click that all say "yes it's brilliant i love it can i suck your cock while replying" then you have some genuine people (novices like myself) who want to learn about hunting, who put a thread up( it may be a subject thats been covered before but the person posting obviously wants a proper reply) then you get the same numb nuts replying with stupid cocky answers! if your not part of the click prepare to be shot down. Rant over!!!!! now anyone know where i can get a safety
  19. anyone got a link to hunting life? i clicked on this link and ended up on playschool (i think)
  20. MERRY XMAS ALL! Hope you all get some hunting gear off santa! I know if i been good i'm having new hunting boots and a terrier book off him lol HAPPY NEW YEAR ASWELL
  21. wicked vid in the scooby and that climb dance vid is one of my all time favs but this is the car of its time! absolutley phenominal hard to believe this is 27years ago!!!!!!!! enjoy an awesome machine in it's time!! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LuTc4VIdm-o
  22. sorry to hear that mate! sorry but this is bollox! No dog should be left alone with a child but attacking another dog and attacking a baby is totally different!!!!! my view would be just secure the kennel whats the point in shooting it and losing 2 dogs?
  23. If i met up with the boys i shoot with and had this with me i'm sure they would take the piss out of me big time! we go out to hunt not show each other our guns lol.
  24. got mine this morning too am keeping it for xmas off the kids though, something to look forward too
  25. Have a look on here! http://www.petmeds.co.uk/?gclid=CNrv4qHP8JYCFQtWtAodr2QSrw this is where i get my dog stuff. Hope it helps
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