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Everything posted by kristian

  1. mate have you tried keens? or neath gun shop? I'd have it at that price but i already got 4 guns and my missus will play balls with me. Anyway good luck with the sale mate
  2. .....think old gringo still puts a few mayfield tributes on might be nice to put a link to whoever knows how....show the younger generation where these young tyre swingers evolved from Some nice dogs there mate Some other top dogs of their time! http://www.keetchs-irish-staffords.com/The.../ch_psycho.html
  3. Heres not a bad vid hope you enjoy! http://www.clipser.com/watch_video/93523 Swamper don't feel free to comment unless it's constructive.
  4. Cheers guys some good replies! never thought about the leaving ferrets behind i guess if your gonna poach don't do it with a gun or knife lol
  5. you'll love this then although wrong in some of your eyes! I'm not sure if some of you know but pitbull fighting is not legal thats why people in countries where pits are legal find something else to show their true strength power and agility. Now you may not like it but thats up to you but it doesn't make it wrong! Anyway check out the video some good jumping on there lol
  6. Now before anyone starts giving me abuse this is not something i do as my mate who i hunt with has loads of permission. I'm just wondering what you'd get done for if you was poaching rabbits with ferrets? I usually shoot and if you got caught with a gun poaching obviously this could be a very serious offence (tresspassing with a gun) but what about ferrets? Just got me thinking earlier would you just get a slap on the wrist or maybe some rice shot in your ass Any one know anyone who been caught and what were the consequences? Like i said earlier i'm not intending to do it just curious!
  7. nothing smart about that....it proves nothing....iv seen whippets do it....what it dose prove is that thay know nothing about how easy it is to f**k a dog up Top dog! seen this vid before on bulliez it's an awesome pit. and as for hanging off the tyre it's something these dogs love to do and it increases muscule in the neck and jaw! Awesome pit!
  8. videos! what are they don't think i got a video player in the house lol will have to have a look
  9. i'll take no.2 ferreting with simon whitehead dvd how do i pay
  10. Good luck mate! I'd love to grow my own veg and have some chickens in the garden but i ain't got a f*****g clue lol i got a fair size garden which is teared off but don't use as it backs on to a mountain and has big steps so kids can't play up there be ideal if i knew what i was doing lol
  11. Don't think twice, Tambourine man and like a rolling stone! funny enough i was listening to him as i was reading your post. I love Girl from the north country with Johnny Cash too LEGENDS
  12. cheers mate, have emailed them theres nothing there at the mo but they'll let me know if something comes in
  13. kristian


    is this the same prog that was on last night about ferrets?
  14. Can't seem to find the address to the rescue in newport? can anyone help? i'm hoping to go and take a look at some ferrets on the weekend if they gat any!
  15. don't know what the difference is between the old and new s200 is but i had a go of a brand new one a couple of months ago (ferret's off here) and it was a really nice gun! i think my mate had the falcon fn19 and i don't think he was fussed? go try the s200 i would i bet you won't be disappointed.
  16. Just wanted to say thanks to donnie1, Received the book today and all for free (didn't even want me to refund postage) I tell you if we all took a leaf out of his book (pardon the pun) this site would be a better place. Top man fair play. He said it's not the best book in the world but it has the basics and for a begginer like me it's a good start. Hopefully tonight i'll have a bit of peace and quiet to start reading, Fingers crossed aye. Cheers Kristian.
  17. gutted i missed this! anyone know where i can watch it?
  18. good find mate! link is down at the mo but can't wait to see it! been for a little look down my local shooting spot today as there were peregrines there last year with young but didn't see a bloody thing well there were 2 buzzards and a fox there but no sign of the peregrine.
  19. I also got a sewer cover in my yard which i lift then throw it down there and hose away! I've always wondered what people do with it lol as even when i lived with my parents as a kid we always had a sewer cover to throw it down. Like you say it's not something thats very talked about.
  20. I don't want to start up more arguing on here but every thread i go on lately seems to be arguing or bitching about something? most people who into the sport of hunting come on here to learn different things about it but it just seems to be constant bitching and slagging off lately i know of someone (a friend) who has left the site because of this and it just seems like pointless shit. I know everyone has different views about things but some people just post purely to get a reaction and stir shit up. Lets all have a group hug and the people with good knowledge of hunting please pass
  21. f**k um! if they can't look after animals then they shouldn't have them? although the asspca are not worth a wank. Good luck anyway. it's not grassing it's thinking of the welfare of the dogs
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