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Everything posted by kristian

  1. Will have a look in b and q tomorrow. Is chicken wire strong enough?
  2. i'm looking to make a tidy sized ferret run in my garden want to make one that can be taken apart and stored easily, so i'm just wondering where i can get hold of some mesh/wire to make it?
  3. excellent pics mate. Hoping to get a bird one day. Love the hunting pics they are brilliant
  4. nice one imagine it was a camper/mobile home
  5. I personally don't think it's their fault for trying to better themselves? It's this country thats ferked up to many lazy lay about louts getting money for feck all instead of working for it! can't blame the polish blame our fecking goverment for doing a shit job.
  6. kristian


    Cheers mate didn't even think of looking on there found a shop in Cardiff advertising on there so pretty local. Will go and take a look on the weekend
  7. kristian


    My missus has promised my daughter a budgie for easter but went to pets at home and they no longer sell them Tried another petshop and none there either Does anyone know where i can get one from? prefably south wales area unless they'll post lol Used to be able to pick them up everywhere when i was a kid for a couple of quid now i can't find any? Cheers Kristian.
  8. kristian


    Thats brilliant mate! really clever fair play. How much they go for on ebay?
  9. Cheers mate am just looking to start ferreting so i'll log this in my memory bank is it a bit bigger than a rabbit hole?
  10. get some pics up their bound to sell easier! no ones gonna buy without seeing pics i wouldn't of thought?
  11. I'll be there along with a couple of boys off here! hope i'm not driving
  12. http://www.thewebbroadcastingcorporation.com/swt/swt.php ospreys preparing the nest! at 18:10 there were 2 there building
  13. http://www.forestry.gov.uk/forestry/INFD-6S9HK8 Looks like the cam is down by me heres the osprey in scotland but cam not on yet April i think? http://www.forestry.gov.uk/forestry/infd-68km8a
  14. Cheers mate! link temporarily offline at the mo though will try later! there was a cam on a honey buzzard in the forest by me too last year will see if i can find the link to it? afan argoed forestry it was. I also had web cam on a osprey last year somewhere in Scotland. Will have a look see what i can find in my links on my pc
  15. Theres a pair up with me but i've been out loadsa times trying to take photos of them but their a bit camera shy lol they alway feck off to the other side of the valley! will try and get some this year though hopefully they'll have more young.
  16. feck didn't think they had it in um at that age!
  17. that had me in stitches, fair play very good. i got a mate at work that feels like this to i just tell him to feck off and don't listen then the wannabe hippy
  18. nice one mate for sorting it out don't know why the link never worked they were eating a starling or something yesterday right in front of the camera. ..john Are you the one who originally posted the link? If so i wouldn't have come across it without you Cheers mate.
  19. I think it's 33 days? should be on the main page here somewhere though! http://derbyperegrines.blogspot.com/
  20. Has 3 eggs now
  21. You don't see many of those round any more! I had a mitsubishi evo last year not that fast 0 -60 but briliant fun got rid now and gone back to a standard golf gti turbo can't fault the veedubs awesome cars.
  22. brilliant mate! How long does it take to make one? and how difficult? Cheers mate.
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