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Everything posted by kristian

  1. Mate what happened to the free hutch you was having?
  2. We watched it but couldn't get a good view to take pics cause there was loads there. But who ever the guys down on the left (2nd from the end) were funny. Think a guy called browny and his mate won but don't quote me on it cause the crowd gate crashed the fence as soon as they stoped digging and we couldn't see shit then
  3. We watched it but couldn't get a good view to take pics cause there was loads there. But who ever the guys down on the left (2nd from the end) were funny. Think a guy called browny and his mate won but don't quote me on it cause the crowd gate crashed the fence as soon as they stoped digging and we couldn't see shit then
  4. My favourite pic of the day! I love this one of my daughter in the showring with diva they had 2nd place
  5. Had a really good day kids enjoyed themselves it was their first gamefair. Got some pics of the day here most are of the straight line racing at the end where my bro's bitch danni took a 1st and a 3rd Some of the pics are a bit blurry as i'm still learning how to use the camera and it's the first time i've photo'd dogs running Hope you like. This was my Daughters first time in the showring she was very nervous. It's my mates dog and she had a 2nd place some are a little blurry but i'll post them anyway just incase its your dog and you want to see it
  6. lost a mate about 2 months ago through heart attack, he was getting dressed for work and next thing he was gone! 33 years young he was and a really really tidy guy. One thing is though he didn't suffer. I've lost 3 mates in the last few years all really young. You'll always have your memories, Noone can take them away.
  7. Hope everything is alright with your family! that must have been scary and an eye opener for you I've Had mostly bad dealings with police but as said earlier there are good and bad cops. I find usually the traffic cops are tidy and alot of the boobies on the beat are on a power trip but that doesn't count for all! I think to be honest a lot of it is down to media hype. it's the same as when for instance it was pibulls last year thats all you seen in the papers was "pitbull type" attacks, they were in the papers everyday now it's moved on to another subject and in a week or 2 it'll be onto so
  8. I'll hopefully have a couple of pics to put up when i get home from work! haven't had time to sort them onto pc yet. i should have some tidy pics (fingers crossed)
  9. Never forget one of my mates before school every morning would have a brown sauce and vinegar sandwich :sick: my other mate then who we'd call for on the way would dip his toast in his tea I've since seen a lot of people do this so tried it not long ago and it's ferkin rank :sick:
  10. thanks dawn i'm gonna take my missus up there very soon didn't even know it existed!.cracking pics and thanks for posting
  11. I also do this! everytime i've done it, i feel great in the morning but you have to make sure it's not early hours or you either sleep the day away or wake up still feeling ferked
  12. I used to do push bike trials a few years ago and really enjoyed it so when me knees started to get bad i sold the push bikes (trials and a downhill bike) and bought the txt280 still hurts my knees but not as much lol. Looks alot easier than it is though, I've had quite a few offs but it's all part of the fun lol
  13. I have a trials bike gas gas txt280 will see if i got pics later
  14. Where you to mate? if you catch it i know someone who can dispatch of it for you!
  15. Tried both of these in midlands game fair and couldn't get on with the hw100 just didn't feel good I'm not saying it's a rubbish gun but just didn't feel right for me! but the s type was something else and if i was going to change my gun (which i won't) this would be it best thing to do is try and go to a gun shop just to try how it feels.
  16. Ive got some pics here lampshy if you want to buy them of me with your mums beaver on my face,shes signed them aswell. cracked me up this one class! wolly take no notice mate of some of the comments mate some of them only hunt with their keyboards
  17. As some of you will know i've had 2 hob ferrets free. The problem is they are nearly a year old now so it's like a seen off brokeback mountain in the hutch and to make it worse i think they are brothers :sick: Any way i've had to quickly throw together a home for one of them so i can seperate them. I've made this so far with no cost at all not even 1penny lol All the materials used are things i've either found on the side of the road or things i've collcted from work (i'm a plumber) so here it is. and now i'm starting on building a smaller one on top which will be linked throu
  18. HW80 and loved it even though it weighed a ton
  19. dog don't look to happy about it!
  20. Mate i got 2 hobs the other day and they are like something off brokeback mountain lol i've had to seperate them as for frontline spray i had some from ebay america, but a couple of people off here have told me you can get it over the counter in the chemist! Good luck mate i've only had mine about a week or so so am completely new to it all.
  21. Cheers mate thats a very good offer Am still working on my missus though she's having none of it i've got 1 dog and she won't budge on letting me have more! Thanks anyway mate
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