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Everything posted by kristian

  1. Just wondering if anyone went to this? and is there any pics? I wanted to go but had other plans. Never been to this one and i'm wondering if i missed a good day?
  2. Right where do i start i've used Countrywide for a long time now only because pets at home is full of numpties and the prices are expensive! I find with countrywide they always got everything i need i.e Dog food,ferret food,fish food,bird feed etc anyway went in there today to get dog food and they didn't have anythere so came from there without buying anything. On my way to pets at home i passed a farm suppliers place on the industrial estate and thought i'd pop in for a look the food i normally feed my dog is £6.99 a bag in countrywide but in this place it was £4.40 and the ferret fo
  3. mate just put an add up on here with your area i'm sure you'll have plenty of offers!
  4. Funny enough i had some free today i been buying it from countrywide on offer at 3 bags for £8, Then yesterday i was talking to my brother-in-law to be and i didn't even realise he ownes a timber yard went down today on my way to get ferret food and bingo a big bag full happy days!
  5. I just came out of my local off licence with a can in my hand when a local tramp stopped me and he said " excuse me mate i haven't had a drink for a couple of days!" I turned and said to him " i wish i had your fecking willpower"
  6. I found the little bugger this morning after phoning every vet in the area, he was picked up about 5miles away from where i live which is quite strange as i live in a really built up area. Got to the vets and was told he was going mad in the cage as soon as i spoke, but as an extra bonus he had been bathed and had a manicure so saves me job. Also as a bonus is that they had another Hob fert there that has been beat up a bit when it was living wild and they asked if i would home it as it will be put to sleep in a couple of days. I have found a home for him with my hunting buddies, so today
  7. Yer i was so tempted to give them a go but have been reading up on them and realise it's not a good idea out of season so i'm just gonna have to be paitent. Hard work though lol
  8. Is this still for sale????????????
  9. will give you £65 if you still got it? as long as it's paypal
  10. I would say so mate. Was talking to someone in the know and he was telling me that the panasonic tv's were the best to get! only thing was this was just after i bought a samsung Got to be honest though the samsung is very good
  11. i love people like that why don't they mind their own ferkin bussiness
  12. was down with my ferrets earlier and RONNIE the phsyco bit me nearly drop kicked him but he let go! he couldn't have ment it as he didn't peirce the skin but still hurt!
  13. good old wilkos you be suprised what you find in there! and way cheaper than anywhere else. It's my new favourite shop was saying on another thread i been buying jeyes fluid 1ltr from countrywide for £10.49 then i was in wilkos the other day and seen a 1ltr exactly the same for £5.49 i know where i'll be getting it from in future.
  14. A boy name Sue makes me smile whenever i hear it! have you heard him sing "if you could read my mind" I think Gordon Lightfoot originally sung it but Johnny Cash's version has a lot of feeling Here it is for those who haven't heard it something to do with copyright and you can't hear the song!!!!!!! So hears Gordon lightfoot singing it if anyone finds the cash version can they please post it
  15. I know theres a lot of oldies on here so who here like Johnny Cash and What is your favourite song? My fav song which is very hard to choose from so many but i'm gonna go on " The man comes around" Whats yours?
  16. Listening to Johnny Cash & Bob Dylan at the moment but my music changes all the time Oasis i like to gonna see them in June. Can't stand Dance music although i used to be well into raves and had my own decks i'm guessing i just grew up, My son listens to it now and i shout turn that crap off lol. Also always liked pink floyd, Men At Work, War of the Worlds and more recent bands like kings of leon, phonics etc also The Twang are awesome and under rated if you ask me!
  17. I've got a few of the birds there too! and last but not least my bro's bull x 2nd from the left
  18. jeyes for me was buying it by the litre from countrywide £10.49 but found them in wilko's for £5.49 per litre
  19. haven't noticed fleas on mine but loadsa ticks! i had the 2 hobs off someone who couldn't look after them and they are really badly covered round the neck area. I received my frontline from ebay america today (took about a week to come) so i held the ferrets got my daughter to spray my hand with gloves on and rub it in so fingers crossed
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