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Everything posted by kristian

  1. If i was caught poaching (not that i do) but if i was and i was confronted i would be full of apoligies and trying my best to get out of trouble. Some people just don't give a hoot about anyone.
  2. fairplay what a crazy guy
  3. sweet mate! do you mind me asking how much it cost to build?
  4. Use a tick picker , if you click on the bada link on my sig they are a charity started by a lady called Wendy Fox who sadly is now a wheelchair user & near totally blind due to not removing tick properly Cheers for the link Kay just bought one incase theres any stragglers left behind!
  5. looks like a cracking pic mate good luck with the sale!
  6. This is a good way of doing it i was thinking what if someone asked to borrow him say off a forum and then took him claiming to be legit and keeping him it's a lot to loose out on a hob thats been done? i bet it has happened too cause not everyone is honest! or do you just lend to people you know?
  7. Sorry to hear about father inlaw good luck with the sale, If only you were closer!
  8. I like the question at the bottom, "i'll take it for £60" cheeky fecker. Good luck with the sale mate
  9. otter are you from north wales by any chance?
  10. i guess you WERE mates lol
  11. has one of them kits still got my name on it Found some ticks on my hob again yesterday so i've frontlined him again. He was plastered in them when i had him, I'm thinking maybe there was some left in the cage?
  12. lol i only did it to past time
  13. Cheers for the replies guys i suppose it's nice to lend a hob out and meet new likeminded people at the same time.
  14. I've only got hobs but looking to get 2 jill kits soon and i was just wondering do people pay for the service of borrowing someones vasectomised hob or is it just out of good will? I know one of my mates gave away a vasectomised hob cause it was fighting with his other hob and the one he kept was a better worker. Just interested to know poples views!
  15. I thought that was it! I'm new to ferreting so can't help you on that one but i'll soon be in the same boat having 2 jills from different litters and different ages but i can't see it being a problem! Hopefully someone with more experience will help out with this answer.
  16. Guys, it sounds like he's saying he's having a kit now but theres only 1 left from that litter, then he's having another from another litter which are only 2/3 weeks old at the mo but when he has it in a couple of weeks will it be ok to put with the one he had first! I hope thats right lol i confused myself lol Thats what i think the post is trying to get across anyway?
  17. kristian


    Good luck mate! what are you looking to do? everyone says they wish they were back in school once they've left but i never looked back i hated it. I'm a plumber it's a good crack but not much about at the mo! Hope you find something you enjoy cause theres nothing worse than going to work to a job you hate. Good luck.
  18. obviously she's just made you put that on here! get a backbone mate. Hang on i smell a rat? poor guys left his computer signed in to thl and his missus has posted! Why else would it be in the wrong section? or looking at the time he may have been pissed
  19. I never welcome new members but thought i would today, I don't know if it's because i'm to lazy or just because i'm a grumpy git anyway welcome to the site and hope you enjoy and learn loads from on here.
  20. :welcomeani: hope you enjoy and learn all you need from this site.
  21. Theres some good some bad and some are just ugly but overall it's a good forum. It's the best hunting one i've found to learn from and it's probably because it has so many members that theres so many twats on here. Anyway welcome and see what you think? I'm sure you'll enjoy
  22. I was reading about this earlier surely they can't leave the guy out in 10yrs? Thats a fecking joke the twat has caused all this misery and he gets 10 measly feckin years!!!!!!!!!! this country sucks! give him to the real father and let him decide what he wants to do with him i say. 10yrs? i've had jeans longer than that. kill the twat!
  23. had mine about 12 months and they been brilliant (i've always worn wellies lol) i bought them cause a mate i shoot with has had them for about 2 yrs and recomended them. Very good for the price i thought but time will tell.
  24. I have a staffy but same as above on the guarding, He'd lick a burguar to death lol unless of course they had a dog with them then it may be a different story but i don't think many burglars take their dogs with um lol
  25. Why does everyone seem to be home today? I haven't got any work today mainly because my clerk of the works is gone to france and doesn't want anyone working whilst not there to check up but noone else seems to be in work? is it because it's a bank holiday and everyone is on the sick lol
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