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Everything posted by kristian

  1. any ideas wheres the best place to get one?
  2. get some pics up mate i'd love to see it
  3. Have just put a shed at the top of my garden which i plan to keep my ferrets in. I want to get power up there so i can have a light up there and a fan (for days like this) and maybe a little freezer to keep my ferret food. I want to know what is the cheapest way to do it? Could i just get an outdoor extension lead and run it into the shed with a rcd on the plug in the house? or should i run amoured cable to the shed from the house? I really want the cheapest option! Thanks, Kristian.
  4. trials bike, quad, used to do a lot of downhilling (mountain bikes) but just to lazy now. 3 kids is a full time thing for me hard work but worth every second
  5. I've just bought a mk3 and was wondering what is the main differences between the mk1, mk2 and mk3? I've noticed the mk1's are still going for good money while the mk2's don't seem to sell very well. Is there any major differences and which do you use and why? Cheers, Kristian.
  6. kristian

    new tat

    I think it's his leg mate?
  7. kristian

    tax rebate

    If i was going to get a tax rebate would i have heard by now? Me and my work mate earn exactly the same amout each week before tax (earning split down the middle as we're on price work) but yet he takes home a £10 more a week after being taxed (pays less tax) I have 3 kids and he has none? Surely this can't be right? I know it's only a £10 but in this current climate every penny helps! any advice?
  8. very good! Cheered me up anyway lol
  9. i bet poaching is much more fun probably more of a buzz
  10. The meat is edible but not very tasty or tender so we passed on that. So we are getting a rug from the hide. Can it be fed to the dogs? am just interested because obviously we don't have black bears here!
  11. mate what do you do with the bear once you've killed it? can you eat them?
  12. Just turn the one you carry in your pocket so it is between two pellets and click it to the right position when you stick it in the gun. ATB Michael Thats what i do to. me too
  13. i get like this sometimes too, i think most people do. The problem with me though is i don't tell anyone and deal with it myself which is not a good thing to do! A problem shared is a problem halved (so they say). Anyway mate chin up cause just round the corner things will get better
  14. mate that is very very nice! Probably the best i've seen. I'd love to have one off you but i'd end up scratching it or constantly worrying about it when i'm out Keep up the good work though and if i come into a nice bit of money i'll have one stunning!
  15. Mate how long do you go for is it months or years at a time?
  16. I use 2 mags aswell, keep one full in my pocket. just came across that on ebay and wondered if anyone used them? i came across singles here aswell http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/AIR-ARMS-S510-S410-2...%3A1%7C294%3A50 Don't know what they are like mind? they also do a brass one http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/AIR-ARMS-S510-S410-B...%3A1%7C294%3A50 looks like more weight to me though?
  17. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/AIR-ARMS-S510-S410-1...%3A1%7C294%3A50 Came across it on ebay and were wondering if they are any good? (or just a gimick)
  18. kristian


    i've got 1 of these (back up gun lol) i always used accupels in it and they were spot on. Hope you enjoy the gun as much as i enjoyed mine.
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