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Everything posted by kristian

  1. Have you set it up yet mate? if so get some pics up! am thinking of getting one for the top of the garden. all the best, Kristian.
  2. good luck mate! let us know what you get
  3. glad i didn't make the journey then was going to go but thought it was going to rain so didn't bother.
  4. "Fatty said get some 'ob nobs!" "F**k Fatty, get back on that roof!" I could go on, but I wont!
  5. I had this problem last weekend. My boy was nagging for me to take him but it was my mates permision so i told him he couldn't come then when i got home from lamping at 4;30 am he'd locked the doors wasn't to happy at the time!
  6. Fatty's leg is fcuking fcuked, They took him away in a fcuking amblumanse looks like it's defo going ahead already started the sequal from what i just watched
  7. Anyone see the Wales show thursday night? They got the cast of twin town back together to try and get them to make a twin town 2 Fingers crossed aye!
  8. years ago when i was buying a set of forks for my downhill mountain bike i got the boy in the shop to do me a fake reciept for £50 when the forks really cost me close on £500. My missus didn't find out for years until one day drunk i told her now i usually buy things and she finds out when they arrive by post and she's sitting next to me asking "whats that then" The key is tell her once you bought it lol did that when i bought my trials bike 1k for a bike she was ok about it though. very rarely we argue over money.
  9. its breaking trough mate just finished reading that book and it's worth the wait
  10. Hi and welcome from just over the hill. Ogmore valley!
  11. 3 kids and been together 13yrs, not married though keep telling her it's a waste of money! shes told me if i don't marry her she'll find someone who will. I'm gonna miss her
  12. excellent news mate. What book was it anyway? (probably says in the thread somewhere but to many pages to look through)
  13. just got a phone call from the debt recovery firm guess who has JUST!! posted the book and provided the tracking code lol then got a text from the boy himself to tell me its been posted and hes sorry for the hassle . lets see what happens next good news keep us updated
  14. Had good dealings with quite a few people off here. I've come across a couple of tossers but majority have been brilliant
  15. well done mate! i had one like this, My missus was talking to her boss about me looking for permission for rabbits and he said he new the green keeper of a local golf course so he sorted me permission out there and is now sorting another one out for me. Just goes to show sometimes you just need a little luck on your side good luck mate!
  16. I enjoyed that it was a good read! I used to do the old egg collecting my mother used to play balls with me as for the bsa meteor shooting your mate i had a crossbow and used to put pellets in it and fire it across the allotments and one day i hit a tin shed with a guy inside he went bonkers told my old man and then my old man came shouting at me took my crossbow and snapped it another thing growing up my youngest brother used to bring his mates round and we used to have aranged fights him and 1 or 2 of his mates against me (they used to win all the time lol) I told one of my little bro's
  17. a guy i know fell out with his brother as he grassed on him for something so he went and had posters made of him saying"known peadophile, if seen contact police" and he put the posters up all over the lamposts. In the end he was arrested for it. Made his bro's life hell Maybe a bit to far lol
  18. I have a benjamin eb22 which is more than capable of taking out rats but very loud. I think it's timelord on here that has one with a silencer which i would expect to be perfect for the job. Mines brilliant with the laser pointer sight i have on it it's just that its like a cannon being fired
  19. usually let mine out in the garage on the floor as they can't escape, but moved my kits up to my garden so i can spend more time handling them. (big ferrets will be coming to join them soon). Was in the garden with them earlier as i let them run loose for a while to explore while i take it turns to handle them and one of them escaped up onto the mountain and was gone for over an hour i thought she'd gone for good but after a bit of calling (and praying) out of the brambles she strolls i keep my 2 kits together then my 2 grown hobs together but i have had to seperate them a few times as it'
  20. sorry to hear that mate! thats very young to be leaving this world. all the best to you and the family. Chin up and soldier on. Take care, Kristian.
  21. Good luck with the dogs mate, Hope you get um back. If theres enough people keeping a look out for them surley you got a chance of a safe return. Good luck!
  22. I'll hopefully be there but came up with my bro last year and looks like he's not going as he's on hols! I sould still be there though hopefully be better weather than last year.
  23. Can't help you mate but i would also like to know the answer as my hob (albino) has exactly the same thing happening to him, The underside of his tail is going bald? strange how it's only him and none of the other 3? Hopefully someone will know the answer!
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