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Everything posted by kristian

  1. kristian


    Sorry for hijacking your thread rocky sorry mate don't trust newbies unless your in south wales somewhere and can meet up? been caught like that before sorry mate.
  2. looks good mate! is it all fenced off? gonna come down tonight and pinch all them tubes Nah only messing mate. keep up the good work
  3. So glad i didn't go this year now! Was going to make the journey as i was under the impression it was going to be a lot bigger than last year. Last year was very disappointing did get to meet strong stuff but apart from that not alot happening there With a title like Heart of Wales i really thought it was going to be big. Never mind not long til the midlands better start saving my pennies. Strong stuff hope you had a better year this year cause i remember last year you was stressed out lol.All the best, Kristian.
  4. If they had been downhilling, jumping or doing something exciting would have been better but a couple of cross country bikers don't do it for me. All the best though if thats your thing
  5. Forgot to mention I've got one of these on my ratting pistol aswell as a laser dot sight it's ok on the eb22 but wouldn't got for one on my rifle. Nowhere near as good as the Deben tracer mini.
  6. Well my bro's gone away on holiday so my mate Justin off here is looking after his Lurcher bitch for a week, So we went out for a shine Friday night on his permission. The weather was windy and drizzle when we left home and by the time we got there it was clear and still . I've only been out a few times with the lurcher as i usually only shoot but after a few times out with the dog and lamp i'm seriously considering getting a lurcher as i think i'm getting hooked .
  7. Heres my kits from Ade on here they are roughly 4 months old now and coming on great. Can't wait till they are old enough to work This is Pepper (my daughter named them ) And here is Salt
  8. I'm currently using a Deben tracer mini and find it to be an awesome lamp but the plastic lense has fallen out Just wondering what other people use and how they rate it? My mate uses a logun 6v not sure of model but not a bad lamp not as good as the deben but still a good gun light. (when it works).
  9. kristian


    oh man, Gutted. i got them all except dig deep. Really enjoying reading them too. Thanks anyway mate
  10. kristian


    Thats a good price mate only thing is i have them 3 do you have dig deep there by any chance?
  11. Met my lady who i've been with for close on 14 yrs in dj lesson! I was learning to play the decks (dj) and so was she. She had a boyfriend at the time who used to hit her about i soon changed that though now i do
  12. mate i got a mk3 and collar if you want to swap!
  13. Best of luck mate they look the dogs bollox! Try taking them to a local game fair shouldn't have a problem shifting them they are sweet
  14. First of all welcome ! I've only just started ferreting myself, I've been told that they should be ok to work at the end of this season. I'm sure someone with experience will answer your question soon. All the best, Kristian.
  15. Didn't know you played guitar? you any good? had a guitar for xmas gave it one go then put it under my bed lol. Good luck witht the sale mate
  16. Got talking earlier with my boy and was telling him about the old days where we used to have street carnivals. He couldn't believe that everyone used to dress up and have floats (lorries) made up in a theme. All the streets would have their own float made up with loadsa people on then we'd all meet up on our local football/rugby field and have a massive party what ever happened to this tradition? i reckon it was something to do with health and safety Anyone else use to have street carnivals.
  17. Have you set it up yet mate? if so get some pics up! am thinking of getting one for the top of the garden. all the best, Kristian. What is the price of the single kennels and what is the price of the doubles? (is it a double in the pic) and what is the dimensions? cheers, Kristian.
  18. I have an hw80 (break barrel) don't use it anymore but it was my first gun (i use a air arms s410 now) i use to love shooting with it and it was always spot on only problem i found was the weight. although if i was to go back to using a springer i would have a underleaver. My brother has a air arms pro sport and this is the best springer i've ever shot but for the price it cost you could have a pcp and i know what i would choose
  19. don't think you can watch it yet http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00lz...Pack_Episode_3/
  20. Entertaining i thought! Not the best pest control company in the world but at least it's something to watch and nice to see the terrier working the rats. Loved the part when he shit in the house priceless
  21. had one last week in my works van. only thing was i picked it up gutted and skinned it then threw the skin in the bushes as an enviromental officer was passing in his car and he took my plate and phoned my boss to say i was fly tipping (it was on a sunday when i'm not supposed to use the van ) boss was cool though when i explained what happened (didn't tell him i skinned and gutted it lol) Anyway mate if your interested in mating my renault van on your car give me a pm they'll make big strong rabbit killers. probably strong enough to take a bear
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